Nights Like These

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"Pull the fuck over Midari!" The blonde hissed, clutching onto Ririka's shoulder with a bone crushing grip. The one eyed driver snorted, driving off the road and into the grassy field next to the highway. As soon as the car stopped Mary bolted out, falling onto the grass with a thud. Ririka followed with a giggle, sitting down next to the fiery blonde.

"Y'know, I'm not a bad driver, you're just a wimp." This earned a searing glare from Mary as Midari chuckled, sitting next to the couple. An onyx haired woman shortly made her way to the group with a soft smile, sitting beside Midari. The group fell into a silence.

Sayaka turned her gaze to the sky, only to gasp at a small bead of light streaking across the sky. She quickly turned to Midari and nudged her, pointing towards the intriguing sight.

"Holy shit! Guys, it's a shooting star!" She whooped, jumping to her feet. Mary groaned as she sat up, her gaze locking onto the small line of light. The platinum blonde beside her displayed a soft smile as she leaned her head on Mary's shoulder, her cerulean eyes filled with awe.

"I wish Kirari was here to see this." She whispered, earning a sad gaze from Sayaka. The violet eyed woman gave a small smile and a solemn nod before turning back to the sky.

"She would love this.."

Once again the group fell into a silence, the only noise filling the area was the faint stirs of wind and grass. A breeze blew past the women, making them giggle a little. Sayaka tensed as a cold hand found her shoulder.

"What a beautiful night, wouldn't you agree Sayaka~"

Sorry, this is like- the second ever thing I've ever written on wattpad? If it's bad, then sorry. Tell me what I can do to make it better I guess. Also, sorry, it's a bit short.

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