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"Garcia, I need you to pull up the company 'Greenest Grass' and tell me what you find," Hotch directed. 

"Okay, so it says there are five men, John Barnes, Alex Andrews, Simon Hunts, George Williams, and Charles Miller. They mow people's lawns. Supposedly they are really good at their job," Garcia responded, continuing to click her keyboard pulling up more information. 

"So all of the girls who died, their father is on this team. That's probably how John was able to get to the girls," Morgan said trying to place the puzzle pieces together. 

"There is something wrong though. All of the fathers seemed relaxed when we interviewed them. What are we missing?" Rossi spoke frustrated. Suddenly, JJ came rushing into the room.

"Abigail Williams has just been murdered," JJ alerted. Everyone popped from their seats into the black SUVs. 

"I noticed John's wife tapping her fingers in a 1-2 motion. Does that mean anything?" You asked. 

"Now that I think about it, the other mothers were doing that as well," Hotch says. 

"Do the mothers know more then we think? "Spencer questioned. You rubbed your temples from all of the stress that had built up on you. Spencer used one of his hands to rub your shoulder. You sighed and glanced over to him giving a small smile, in which you received back. 


You walked up to Abigail's body lying in dirt. You bit the inside of your cheek checking your surroundings. This murder just happened. The neighbor called, witnessing the killing.  Abigail's blood was still fresh. You glanced over to a large barn. You placed your hand on your gun walking up to it. 

"Spencer," you whispered. He came up beside you with his gone pointing inside. Hotch was outside inspecting the body. Everything as fine. Right? You kicked the door open looking left and right. 

"The car," Spencer said pointing to a running  car. You walked up to it yanking the door open. As you noticed there was nothing in the barn you felt a hand wrap around your mouth. Everything went dark. 

"Spencer!" You screamed. It was no use. Your screams were muffled by the pressure this person had put on your mouth, keeping it shut. Soon, you felt your body go limp. You had been knocked out.


It was hours later. You looked up to see your arms and legs spread out, and tied to edges of a bed. You wiggled around trying to loosen your grip. 

"You aren't going anywhere." You heard a voice say on the right of you. You flipped your head over to see George in boxers. "Lets have some fun. Shall we?" He said stripping his underwear off. Your breathing got heavier. He climbed on top of you, unbuttoning your white shirt, revealing a black, laced bra. 

"Let me go please," You begged. Tears started to sting your eyes. He cupped your breast, trailing his fingers down to the waistband of your underwear. You started crying, moving your body as much as possible, hoping he would get off, but he didn't. You were pinned down, allowing him to take complete control. The bed rocked back and fourth. You slammed your eyes shut hating every moment of it. The whole time he was smiling. He wouldn't stop.


About 45 minutes later, he clipped your bra back on, and slipped on your underwear. He untied you from the bed, dragging you out of that room to another. You saw Charles standing there smiling at the sight of your beat up body. You looked up to see Spencer. He had cuts and bruises all over his face. 

"Spencer.." You whispered. George threw you into the room with Spencer. Charles and him leaving you and Spencer alone. He immediately took off his cardigan, wrapping it around your half naked body. He held you close to his chest, in hopes of warming you up. Your face was stained with tears. 

"I'm so sorry Y/n." He whispered to you, stroking your hair. You closed your eyes, lying restless in his lap. Your wrist were bruised from the ropes. 

"Talk to me. Tell me your favorite color." 

"Purple," You responded with a stutter. 

"What's your favorite movie?" He said, keeping your eyes open.


He nodded his head, continuing to sooth your body. His eyes were soft. You could see the worry in his eyes. 


*Back at the Police Department with the team

Morgan was pacing back and fourth. Emily was impatiently tapping her fingers on the desk. JJ was resting her head on her hand. 

"Where. Where could they be!" Morgan shouted, causing the team to flinch. 

"Calm down Morgan. We want to find them as much as you, but right now we need your head in the game. We figured out that each dad was killing their own daughters. They created their own fantasy religion. They were convinced what they were doing was right. Most likely Charles and George has them. One person wouldn't be able to take out both, and they were the only ones missing." Hotch concluded trying to find a clue to where they could be. 

"We need answers from the wives. They might know something," Rossi suggested. Everyone agreed, doing whatever they could to get them a step closer to finding you and Spencer. 

Rossi and Morgan sat in front of George's wife. Emily and Hotch were in the other room, interrogating Charle's wife. 

"Do you have any idea where your husband goes when they have meetings?" Morgan asked. 

"I already told you, no!" Mrs. Williams yelled.

"Do you have any other property? A storage unit, or another house?" Rossi asked eager for an answer. 

"We have a lake house, but we just go there on the holidays." She said. 

"Does you husband ever go there alone?" Rossi questioned. She nodded her head. 

"What's the address?" Morgan uttered. She told them the address, and Morgan and Rossi informed the rest of the team. They all rushed into the black SUV van. This lake house was 3 hours away. 

Would they make it in time?


Welcome to the end of this chapter! It was a little rushed, so sorry if it wasn't the best. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. Make sure to get some rest, and I love yall tons!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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