Chapter 2

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(Hiro finishes eating)

(Walks to the garden)
Hiro:hi Zero two.
Zero two:hey,Darling.
Zero two:did you sleep well?
Hiro:Yeah, just fine.
Hiro:have you ate yet?
Zero two: Yeah I ate before you woke up.
Hiro:oh,ok then.
Zero two: I am going to go do laundry.
Hiro:oh,ok but let me help you.
(They hang up the clothes on the clothesline)
Hiro: I'm going to bed I'm tired and it's getting late.
Zero two:Ok I will to.
(Zero two and Hiro go to there separate rooms and go to bed)
Goro:Wake Up!,Wake Up!
Hiro:*Wakes up*
Hiro:yes Goro?
Goro:you're late
Hiro: really?
Goro:Yes!,the others are eating already.
Hiro:Ok I'll be right down.
Goro:You better be, and in 5 minutes!
(Hiro gets dressed and goes downstairs to the dining room)
Zero two: Good morning Darling:
Hiro:uh, Good morning Zero two.
Zero two: Come sit with me*she says with a smile*
(Hiro sits down)
(Zero two sits in his lap)
Hiro: Uhh,Zero two w-what are you doing.
Zero two:what is it darling,is something wrong?
Hiro:*Blushing* No nothing.
Miku:Why can't we be like that.
Zorome:What! You're the one who won't stop Talking!
Miku: What did you say! I'm gonna kill you!
Zorome:No you won't.
Goro:guys settle down.
Zero two:what is that Darling.
Zero two: Something's hard.
Hiro:*Blushing uncontrollably*
Hiro: that's just a flashlight in my pocket.
Zero two:Oh,ok*knowing what it really is*
(They finally finished eating)

Hiro Two (zero two and hiro story)Where stories live. Discover now