Chapter 8

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*Kokoro goes to the garden*

Ichigo:well we should finish eating then get back to work.


-they all finish eating-
Miku:Girls! Its our turn to clean the bathroom.

Ichigo:ok let's get to work

Goro:Ok today it's our turn to make the beds and dust the halls

Hiro:yeah ok
Zorome:let's do it I will do so much more work than this loser*points at Hiro*
Hiro:hey! I am not a loser
Zorome:yeah you are im so much better than you
Hiro:no your not!
Goro:Guys! Stop fighting let's get to work we have a lot to get done
Hiro:ok sure
       -Zero twos POV-
Ichigo:hey zero two are you gonna help us
Zero two:gees why are so bossy,
Ichigo:well are you
Zero two:yeah sure whatever
Ichigo:ok then let's get to work
        -some time later-
*Everyone finishes their chores*
Goro:whoo were finally done
Hiro:yeah I guess we did it
Zorome:so goro did you keep count on how much work I did compared to Hiro!?
Goro:no I didn't
Zorome: come on why not
Goro:because this isn't a competition

Miku:looks like we're done here
Ichigo:yeah we did it all and it looks fantastic
Zero two:that was fun
Miku:because you barely dis anything
Ichigo:that doesn't matter she still helped
Miku:hmph, whatever
Ichigo: guys there's only one month left till this break is over
Miku:yeah then we have to go back and pilot the Franxx again
Ichigo:yeah but that's not good for you miku
Miku:why not
Ichigo: remember
Miku:*thinks* aww darnit that means I have to pilot with zorome again
Ichigo:it's not all that bad as long as we get the job done
Miku:no you don't understand zorome is the worst
*They all laugh*

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