a siren's song

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images above to show how the characters look like :) okay that's all

"Are you sure, George?" Wilbur's voice, which was laced with slight worry in his tone, rang out from the cellular device George held in his hand and close to his ear. George had a hard time trying to respond to the man-- too busy with swatting flies out of his face and not getting blinded by the rays of sunlight that would seep from the openings above. The brown-haired male just nodded, only to realize Wilbur couldn't physically see him so George let out a small hum of affirmation.

"Yes, Wilbur. Wouldn't it be insane if I got pictures of this place?" George spoke with a sort of vigor he had when he was set on doing something and Wilbur knew that since George could hear him sigh in the background, most likely shaking his head at the fellow Brit. "Also, I'm already there— I should've brought boots" George groaned slightly as he took a look at his beaten up air force 1's, his previously pristine and white shoes now covered with mud and leaves, a pout settled onto his face.

"Yeah but you've heard about this place," Wilbur started to warn, George heard a small shuffling from the other side of the phone, the male was most likely getting ready for something. "That place is haunted, whoever goes there just... disappears or some scary shit like that." Wilbur finished, leaving George to scoff.

"Yeah, and Santa gave me presents when I was 4." George mocked as he treaded on the uneven grounds of nature, making sure not to trip over any camouflaged tree roots or slip on some moss. "I'll take pictures of this place, get out of here, stop by a Subways, and boom! I'll be the first person to get pictures here and my shit will finally sell." George explained.

The haunted forest— well, there's probably a better name than that but George hasn't cared about it long enough to find out its proper name— the name doesn't even matter, it's about the forest in general.

How George had ever heard about this place was because it had been noticed recently when someone posted on a Reddit thread how there are never any google maps images of this place nor pictures because everyone who had entered never came back. Hearing old tales from their grandparents about the mysterious forest.

After that, the place soon gained traction and for the worse, the Redditor had been correct, the people who dared to adventure into the unknown depths of forest out of the untamable curiosity that quelled in their hearts had gotten their unfortunate fate.

But George was different, his genius plan (which Wilbur disagreed with, almost failing to talk Tommy out of joining George when the blond heard of George's totally amazing plan) was to go inside of the forest, take some pictures of the place, leave, boom!

His images would become viral, people would notice his other works as a photographer more, and he'd be famous! It was a simple plan, really. There was nothing that could go wrong with it.

George had a dangerous mentality, an 'if-it-never-happened-to-me-I-won't-be-afraid-of-it' type mentality.

Like when kids do all of these dangerous things because they've never experienced being in a life or death situation before— like driving a bicycle in the middle of the road and jumping into lakes with unknown origins of where it'll lead.

And George was never really one for the supernatural, his beliefs died when he realized Santa wasn't real. Wilbur, on the other hand, was a big skeptic. He believed that there was some 'dangerous energy' or whatever about the forest.

"Alright, alright. I know I can't stop you." Wilbur gave up, raising his hands in surrender even if George wouldn't be able to see it. "Just promise me you'll be careful," Wilbur said with a more serious tone, which left George rolling his eyes playfully.

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