The Pulse of Love

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Our lunch break is over, and we are now back in our class. Yuki and I have a conversation while we get settled at our desks. We take out our work packets and continue talking.

"What was the last scene we practiced for the play? I had a doctors appointment the other day when we had rehearsal."

"We practiced the scene where Miguel is confronted by Imelda after the music competition in the Plaza De La Cruz." We are putting on a school play based off the movie Coco.  (In the original anime they did a knockoff play to Cinderella. Just keeping with the Disney theme) I play the role of Miguel and Yuki plays the role of Héctor.

"Ah okay thanks!" I nodded.

"How did your appointment go anyways? Did they find out why you are always sleeping?"

"They haven't figured out exactly what it is yet. They want me to go back in a month or two to see a neurologist to do some tests. But right now they're thinking I could have narcolepsy. But they don't think it's even close to severe." I nodded again. The class bell then rings, and our sensei walks in the room.

"I hope you all had a good lunch break. In just a few moments we will begin our lesson about the different techniques and tools used by medical professionals while studying and monitoring the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Before we begin using the instruments, I will be going over how to properly use each one. Now, take out the contents of your bags and listen closely to my instructions."

Yuki and I open the black case in front of us and remove the pulse oximeter, stethoscope, and blood pressure cuff. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Yuki was smiling while looking at everything in front of us. I started to form a slight smile without meaning to. After a few seconds I realized I was smiling, and put my fist up to my face and covered my mouth while I waited for my smile to go away.

Sensei goes over how to use each instrument and what they are used for. She went around each group and said who would be starting the procedures first. Yuki was going to begin using the instruments first, then I will use them.

"Now that you know how to use the tools in front of you, and that you know the order of who will use them, you will alternate in using each tool on your partner. The directions are in your work packets if you need them. Please begin now, and I will be walking around to assist anyone if they need help." Yuki and I begin our hands on lesson. The first part is to use the pulse oximeter.

"It says in the packet that this is supposed to tell you a person's heart rate and oxygen concentration. This goes on the index finger." Yuki asks me to hold out my hand, and he puts the pulse ox on my right index finger. I laid my hand on the desk while it got a reading. After a few seconds, Yuki took it off my finger. "It says that your heart rate is 97 beats per minute, and you have a 99% oxygen concentration." Yuki gave me another gentle smile.

"Is that good? Does that seem like a normal pace for my heart to beat?" Yuki looked at the work packet.

"Yup! It says that a normal resting heart rate for people our age should he between 70 and 100 beats per minute."

"Ah, alright.. What is next?"

"The next thing is to find your blood pressure. Hope I don't mess it up heheh." Yuki asks me to hold out my arm, and he wraps the cuff around my arm, between my shoulder and elbow. He puts the stethoscope's earpieces in his ears and gently presses the circular end to my arm just below my elbow. "Now, I put air in here, and it says I'm supposed to listen and put air in until I can't hear your pulse anymore.." Yuki was starting to talk to himself while he did this. Sometimes when he's really focused on something, he'll begin to talk to himself. I, think that's quite attractive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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