Day 4

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In the morning, I could hardly open my eyes. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. There were dark circles under my eyes and my hair sure didn't look very tuff. I gave myself a tired and unenthusiastic smile, then left for the kitchen.

Darry was already sitting at the table, reading a magazine and sipping on some coffee. He looked up when I entered, "You sleep okay?"

"I think you know the answer," I sighed, plopping onto a seat right next to him.


As I grabbed some cake for breakfast, Two-Bit and Steve strolled in. Of course they did.

I sat down again and Steve landed in the chair next to me. He took one look at me and said, "Man, you look terrible."

"Jee thanks!" I replied. "I couldn't sleep last night."

"Because of Pony, Sandy, and Johnny?" 

I nodded.

Then Two-Bit piped in, "Ponyboy and Johnny have been gone for such a long time. I am worried about them."

"It's not like we can do anything about it," I said, grumpily.

"Well, I was thinking... Dally said they went to Texas. What if we went and tried to rescue them? We could hide them or something, you know?  They won't be able to survive out there for long, especially once the news spreads."

I didn't say anything. I wish I could, but I knew it would be looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Two-Bit, it's not a bad idea, but you must be crazy," Steve said. Two-Bit looked at him. "You and I have school. Sodapop and Darry are working 24/7. Besides, it could take forever to find them and Texas is so big. We could potentially be looking for the rest of our lives."

"So, are we gonna just sit around and go on with our life like we don't care about them. Johnny and Ponyboy are our pals. We always help our pals."

I spoke up. "I wish it was possible. I would search for them my whole life, but I can't abandon Darry.  I know they will find their way home. I know it! We just have to be patient."

Things were beginning to get heated up. Two-Bit couldn't understand why we would just wait for them. Steve and I were trying to explain to him why it would be too hard. Darry sat there, listening.

"Fine, if you guys don't have the heart to look for them, then I will!" Two-Bit said angrily. He was about to storm out, but Darry grabbed him quick.

"Two-Bit, I know you are worried," he began, "but we can't be reckless. If we housed Pony and Johnny and got caught, we could get in serious trouble. Besides we're Greasers. We don't get lucky." Darry looked like he was about to start crying. This settled Two-Bit down. 

We breakfast silently. 

Then Darry said, "I gotta get to work. I'll see you all tonight!"

When he left, Steve and Two-Bit headed for school, and I headed for the DX station.

Work was boring, but there was still a lot of talk about the rumble. Steve filled me in on everything that happened during school. the rumble was going to happen in a few days. The greasers are tense since they know Socs don't play fair.

That evening, Steve and I were walking home, when we heard a commotion in a nearby lot.

Then, over the noise, we heard Two-Bit scream, "No Jazz before the rumb-" He was cut off.

Steve and I ran over and saw Two-Bit being punched and kicked by three socs. "They never do fight fair," I told Steve as we rushed over to help Two-Bit out.

Finally, we chased the Socs away. Steve helped Ol' Two up. "What happened?" he asked.

"I was just walking home when them Socs wanted to show off their fighting skills," Two-Bit explained.

"We were just heading home, come with us," I said.

"Sure, you got any beer?" He asked.

"Not unless you are hiding some in your pockets," Steve laughed.

"We'll get some on the way, okay?" I said.

"Cool with me!" Two-Bit replied.

Where Are You Ponyboy? (The Ousiders fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang