New Beginnings

496 14 2

(Flare POV)

I woke up a smile on my face. It was my birthday after all, finally a teenager. As much as I hated growing up I was excited for a new beginning. I got dressed in a plain white t-shirt, some jeans, and a large flannel that used to be my Mom's. I ran downstairs and I see Guppy eating her cereal and I see Mom and Dad. "Happy birthday." Mom says and she kisses my cheek. "Thanks Mom." I say and Dad kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday Flare." He says and I smile. "Thanks Dad." I say and I pour myself some cereal. I started eating it while sitting with Guppy. It has been a while since the whole aliens stuff but it was okay. Ojo and the other aliens went back to Ogima which was sad, but we still got calls from Ojo's office. 

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I walked over and opened it. "Mom?" I question as I see a woman with jet black hair and a man with blonde hair. "Carmen!" Mom exclaims hugging the woman. "Gary." Dad says and they hug too. "Carmen, these are my daughters Flare and Guppy." Mom says and Guppy walks over, grasps my hand and we walk forward. "Nice to meet you." I say but Guppy shies away. "Guppy's a bit shy." Mom says and Carmen chuckles. "How's Juni?" Dad questions. "It's always work with him." Carmen says and Mom and Dad chuckle. "Oh come in!" Mom says and Carmen and Gary come in. I go and grab the bowls and dishes and put them in the sink. "Happy birthday by the way." Carmen says and I smile. "Thanks!" I exclaim and she hands me a box, green with gold ribbon. I opened it and there was a robot bug. "Straight from the OSS headquarters, his name is Ralph." Carmen says and I smile. "Thank you." I say and I give her a hug. I pressed a button and the eyes turned a bright green and it hopped on my shoulder. "Hi Ralph." I say and I send a wave with its' robotic hand. 

I grin and I see Guppy punching Gary's hands and he laughs as he says stop, Guppy giggles. I smile  as Mom places Guppy on her lap. I hear another knock at the door and I open it and it reveals all of the Heroics and their kids. "Guys!" I exclaim and I hug everyone. "Happy birthday!" A Capella and Mrs. Vox sings and I giggle. "Thanks." I say. "Come in!" I exclaim and they all walk in. Once I see Wildcard I run and give him a hug. "Hey." I say and he hugs back. "It's been a while, finally a teenager. How does it feel?" He questions and I smile. "Great actually." I say and we walk towards the couch. "We brought cake!" Red Lightning Fury (Noodles' Mom) says and I see her holding a cake in the shape of a flame. "Aw you guys, you didn't have to do all of this. You guys just being here is enough." I say and they smile. "Don't be so modest." Miracle Man says and I smile. "Thanks guys." I say and they smile. 

After a while I was sat in a chair, the cake in front of me. "Do you want to do the honors?" Mom questions and I make a flame appear on my pointer finger and I light the candles. "1,2,3." Guppy counts and I laugh. They sing happy birthday and I am smiling the whole time. They finish and we start cutting the cake. The other kids and I were sat in the living room and eating cake. "Happy birthday Flare." Missy says her mouth full of cake. We all laugh. "Thanks Missy." I say. We continue talking and laughing. "We should have a girls night." A Capella says and all of the girls nod. "Definitely." I say and all of the girls and I rushed to our parents. "Mom." I say trailing out the O. "Yes?" She questions in the same tone of voice. "The girls and I were wondering if we could have a sleepover." I say and she raises a brow. "The girls?" She questions. "A Capella, Missy, Fast Forward, and Guppy." I say and she brings her pointer finger to her chin in fake thought. "Mom." I say and she laughs. "Okay, I'll ask their parents." She says and I grin. "Thank you!" I exclaim and I hug her.

I run to the others and they look up. "She said yes!" I exclaim and the girls rush up to me and we go a group hug. "Now you guys go ask!" I exclaim and they nod and rush to their moms. I go and sit next to Wildcard on the couch and lean my head on his shoulder. "Happy 13th Flare." He says and I smile. "Thanks Card." I say.

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