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(Flare POV)

It was after the party, Carmen and Gary were still here and I was sat on the couch in my pj's and I was waiting for the girls to come. The doorbell rang and I bolted towards the door. I opened it and I see all of the girls and I grin and we hug each other. "It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever even though it's only been a few hours!" Fast Forward says and they were all in their pj's. "Come on!" I exclaim and we go upstairs to my room. "Pizza should be here soon Flare." Mom says and I grin. "Okay." I say and we go to my room where Guppy was. "Guppy!" Everyone exclaims and we laugh. 

"We need to figure out movies and games and-" A Capella starts but then she notices us all holding up lists. "Okay good, I brought mine too." A Capella says and I laugh along with the others. We all sit in different parts of my room. "Ralph turn on the TV." I say and Ralph nods and goes to the TV and turns it on. "Woah, where'd you get that?" Missy questions. "Carmen." I say and Missy nods impressed. "Good job Ralph." I say and I high five him again. "Which movie should we watch?" I question. "Oh that looks good." Fast Forward says pointing to one of the movies.

"I love this one!" I squeal and I put it in the dvd player. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Ooh ooh ooh ooh oh oh woah!" The intro to one of my all time favorite movies plays...The Breakfast Club. We made ourselves comfortable as we looked up at the movie playing. But one by one...We fell asleep.

(The Next Morning)

We all woke up and rubbed out eyes. "How was the movie?" Mom questions as she walks in, Guppy on her hip. "Never got so see the end." I yawned. "Yeah, we all fell asleep." A Capella says, her yawn turning into vocalization. Mom laughs and Guppy giggles. "I'm sorry about that. But come down, breakfast is ready." Mom says and we all stand up. "Race you guys there." Missy says and she almost immediately rushes out the door. "Hey!" Fast Forward, A Capella and I exclaim and we start rushing out the door.

Once we made it down, we see Missy washing her hands and we walk over and do the same. I then sit in my seat and we start eating breakfast. Slightly singed pancakes and slightly singed eggs, this was way better than the completely singed eggs and toast. I used my knife and fork and started eating. It was actually really good! We all practically inhaled the breakfast. "Now remember you guys have training today." Mom says and we nod. We all then take turns using the restroom to change and once we were done we smiled a t each other. "Ralph!" I exclaimed and Ralph hops over and I grinned down at the small robot bug. 

"Girls!" Mom exclaimed and we all rushed over. "We're running late." Mom says and we look at each other in panic. "Come on!" Mom says and we get in her car and I make sure I grab Guppy's cup and she drives us off to HQ. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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