you're worth it

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this is another one-shot dedicated to you. 

look at the title, and remember those words. 

also, please understand that I do NOT see reggie and julie as siblings. just saying ahead of time! <3

enjoy! <3

It was the night of one of the band's biggest performances yet. They were thrilled but at the same time extremely nervous. The four of them were all chilling in their backstage greenroom about 30 minutes before the show.

Luke was binging videos on his TikTok, Alex was fiddling with his drumsticks while lying upside-down on the couch, and Reggie was pacing around the room. Julie was sitting at the vanity, staring at herself in the mirror while she fixed her makeup. She sighed, not completely content with what she saw in the reflection.

Reggie stopped pacing as soon as he noticed Julie's current state. He made his way over and stood behind her chair, his hands on her shoulders. "You okay, Jules?" He asked her.

Still staring at herself in the mirror, Julie replied, "I don't know..."

Reggie furrowed his brows at her reply. He sighed and rubbed her shoulders, "There's nothing to worry about. We're gonna do great," He reassured her softly, "You're gonna do great."

Julie sighed and looked down, "I'm just so nervous...what if something goes wrong? What if I don't look good enough? What if I'm just not ready for something like this?" Julie ranted; her breathing was showing how scared she was.

"Jules, we've practiced for what seems like months. It's going to be perfect. And you look incredible, you're like a dream. People in the crowd will be wishing they looked as amazing as you do," Reggie played around with her hair, twisting her curls in his fingers, "You're more than ready for tonight."

Julie sighed and got up from the seat, starting to pace around. Reggie watched her. He noticed that saying all that to her still didn't make her feel better. Reggie sighed sadly and walked to her, grabbing her hands.

"Listen to me," He told her, looking her straight in the eyes, "I don't remember the last time I was this serious because let's be honest, I'm never serious. So that's how you know this is important," Reggie said to her, not raising his voice.

Julie watched him, sighing. "It's not only that, Reg..." She looked away, "I'm also just--not entirely comfortable with myself. Especially on such a big stage," Julie bit her lip, "With all those people watching me, it's just gonna make it worse."

Reggie teared up slightly, "Why--why wouldn't you be comfortable with yourself? What's not to love?" His heart shattered when Julie said those words. He couldn't believe it.

"Sometimes I just don't like the way I look or the way I sound. I don't know, I'm just self-conscious, that's all," Julie sighed.

"I can't sit around and watch your tear yourself apart. You are so worth it, Jules. So worth it. You deserve this more than any of us, even if our careers were cut short. There's no need to feel self-conscious about yourself. Look at you. No need. Don't be nervous, okay?" Reggie told her, squeezing her hands.

Julie teared up a bit, thankful that her mascara was waterproof because she knew that her tears would end up not only being little tears. She pulled him in for a hug, and Reggie let out a sad little chuckle. He hugged her back right away.

"Thanks, Reg," Julie smiled sadly. "No need to thank me for telling the truth," Reggie told her, returning the smile and wiping her tears away with his thumbs.

"Come on, let's go kill it out there," Reggie smirked at her. Julie laughed and nodded, motioning for the rest of the boys to come by the stage.

"Now presenting, Julie and the Phantoms!" The speakers thundered.

They all exchanged glances and smirked, making their way to one of the biggest nights of their lives.

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