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Did you make the right decision or the wrong one? Well, you're just about to find out

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Did you make the right decision or the wrong one? Well, you're just about to find out.

"(Y/N) come on, we're going to be lateee." (Y/N) was finishing the details so that she could look as identical as one of her favorite characters. She loved him so much.

"On it, I'm coming down." She and her friend were going to a convention. Mai as Tobi and (Y/N), (Y/N) decided she would be Itachi. They hopped on the car and sent complaints to each other on their way there.

"Well at least Tobi has more backstory than Itachi."  This is how it was every weekend, their parents were always annoyed by their outbursts so they decided to partner them up a couple months ago. You could say they got a long pretty well.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Yep, perfectly well.

"You heard me. Now come on, get out the car. We're here." Both got off and agreed to continue the endless discussion later.

"Don't ya think we should've at least brought some food? I'm hungry.. and we aren't going to see food in hours..." (Y/N), she has an amazing personality and you could say her smarts rivaled the Nara clan's, that's what others would describe her. Mai, on the other side, could be very annoyed by her if she tried. She thought (Y/N) was going to burst her eardrums one day. But Mai could care less, this was her friend and she loved her.

"Shut up, I brought some Pocky for emergencies. One day you're going to make me dump you in the trash." Mai was gorgeous, she always denied it, but (Y/N) kept insisting. She could anyone's self esteem in seconds. And be cautious, unlike her friend here, (Y/N), Mai's personality is scattered all over the place. Hormones they say, it's always the teenage hormones.

Nonetheless, (Y/N) thought she was some kind of second mother which she cared a lot for, even if they got into fights now and then.

"Uhhh, Mai what's this?" A message popped up on her phone. She wasn't in an illegal site to watch any anime so she was confused.

┏                                                                                                                       ┓

      Would you like to connect to the server: _newRealities ?

                                  Yes<                                       No

┗                                                                                                                       ┛

"Let me see... Uh sure, must be a message from Discord or smth." Mai paid no actual attention and kept walking to the entrance. 

"Okay, I hope this server isn't filled with racist homophobics or anything related.." (Y/N) pressed the screen, paying no mind if that decision would change her life.

┏                                                                                                                         ┓

       Would you like to connect to the server: _newRealities ?

                                   Yes<                                       No

┗                                                                                                                          ┛

Server invitation confirmed, please wait...

"Alright let's get this thing started!! This is going to be a long ride for you both, I hope you enjoy your wishes coming true..." Said voice chuckled, they were excited, and so were the readers.




Chapter 01: 7-12th February, 2021


Whooo, published! Dunno if this was a prologue or not, it seemed like a chapter to me. Will we ever find out who the voice was? Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out.

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