2021- To No One

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You will find the way back to the only place you've ever known once you reach the top,

The pyre of golden flame against a black-lit sky of fairy gardens and dreams long lost /

A moment of eerie silence to stretch against the dirt that lay tender at your feet,

Fond memories of babies in tantrums and angels of swaddle to lay a smile on your cheek /

Sprigs of winters past flurry forward with unkempt roots of auburn and the moon in 2 orbs,

Gentle tendrils of liquid sun that drip down the cheeks of those who once dreamt and those who sleep often never /

Slips of summer wind through a drape of hopes and worn mattress sheets that call out to the cosmos,

"Be well, be free, be all but me. Again, shall the sun fade past the dawn of the moon's grace; never fret, my dear friends, for where the sun goes, you will too" /

See once more the wonders of the world through eyes borne of patience and kindness and splendorous belief that this is all there to remember,

For the darkness will one day cast its shadow, and though the inevitable is inevitable, who is to say a postponement should not be in order? /

Again, again with that rushing of drums, as said once before in a dream or somewhere sorrowful yet gentle and warm,

Take the sound from this place and lock it, swallow the key; never again will the music be free to see,

For you see, my dear youngling, there is much for you, for me too, to learn, but the only way to find the start is by starting where the start once began.

Where the breeze flows by gently and the muse sing their psalms, where the trees bend quite softly and the geese honk their horns /

It is elsewhere, far elsewhere which the animals graze; a far call from sheer misery, but only with a gaze

At the surface, for the surface tells only the beginning, and although that's where to start, it most certainly is not to aim towards /

Take this sun, take this light with you as you go, for wherever your gaze may travel, the light will surely follow,

Even on the darkest days and the blinding nights it will be by your side forever in sight /

Begone the worry caused by strife and the reason why to stay, for a wanderer's journey must begin one day.

And without thought, without conscious, just the husk of once was, continue onward towards the moon (the light once that seemed dishonourable will gobble you up like a rabbit by snake -- the sun that you carry so close to thy heart will dwindle less brightly until it extinguishes, but only to join the light of the sky -- many stars that will find others to offer their guide) /

For the power bestowed you through the light of your own was not really your own in the first place,

More a beacon for others; one of light, one of hope, for the others who struggle and dwindle like your light before it joins the moon in the blue /

Carry on your duties as faithful messengers of time;

One by one they will surrender to the fragile grasp of night skies.

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