The Birthday......

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Natallie's POV

Today is my birthday! Well not just mine. Today is also Elana and Fred's birthday. We are all 14! "Come on Natallie!" I heard Chica say. Yay! The show is starting! I thought to myself. I know, I know I'm to old for this but I don't care.

??????? POV
There they are! How do I get them to come to me? I thought to myself. Then I saw an "Employees only" sign. So I went in the room and found a Freddy suit. Perfect no wires! I thought to myself. I put it on and held a cake to hide my knife.

Freddy's POV

I saw a Freddy walking over to us so we all walked to him. "Hey kids! I heard it someone's birthday." He chuckled. "It's our birthday!" Said Fred. "Let's go to the special birthday room." He said.

????????? POV
Perfect I got them! I thought to myself. We went into the "Employees Only" room. It was dark so they can't see. "Hey kids I need to say something. My name is Vincent not Freddy, okay." I said to the calmly.

Freddy's POV

Not Freddy! We have to get out of here! Before I could say anything or reply I felt pain in my chest.

Vincent's POV

I killed them all one by one. The stuffed them in suits one by one. I found three strange suits. One with wings,one dog one and a cat one. I didn't care I stuffed them and left with no guilt at all.

                                                     TO BE CONTINUED......


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