Things get bad

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Natallie's POV

I started laughing like I was insane. I came out of my room I looked everywhere to see if I could see anyone. I don't know why though. Its like I have evil side. My shinigami side! I always did this but not this bad. Probably because I'm an animatronic. I can't control myself. All I felt was pain and death. I want others to feel the same! But inside I was crying and yelling stop."Please stop *sob* Don't hurt anyone." I tried to say to myself. Just take me out of my misery.

Chica's POV

She walked over to me. A tear rolled down her cheek. She sat down in front of me. I was crying even harder when I saw the knife. "Don't worry little girl." She said with a scary smile and giggled. Now I was really scared. The knife was right over me.

Natallie's POV

The knife was right over Chica. I was about to kill her. But I had gotten really bad pain in the back of my head. Then I fell over. I'm sorry I almost killed you Chica. I was trying to say that but I couldn't I was gone.

Chica's POV

I heard a gun shot then Natallie fell on the ground. She dropped the knife it fell and scraped my knee. Then I looked up just to see a guy named Mike and he had a gun.  I  was crying even harder now. "Why did you do this?!?!" I yelled at Mike.

Bonnie's POV

I heard a gun shot and Chica yelling. "Let's go guys!" I said to the others but I wish I didn't. I saw Natallie on the floor dead. I started sobbing really hard and so did her siblings and Foxy. But Foxy was standing with big teary ears.

Foxy's POV

I looked at this "Mike" character. I jumped at him. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS! HUH,MIKE?" I yelled angryly. He threatened to shoot us if I didn't get off him. So,I got off him. But I also growled a him and he lifted his gun. "Don't make me." He threatened

Mike's POV

I threatened the little fox he didn't scare me. After that I left I had some guilt I didn't know why I did this but I'm sorry.

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