The dream

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*day before* *stiles pov*

Pack meetings aren't that fun when you barely have any sleep. I can't even remember when I actually sat down and relaxed.

I was so tired that specific night, I didn't have enough time to change into comfortable clothes.
I don't even remember falling asleep, just that I relaxed my eyes then boom.

But, I mean I'm not complaining. Until, I woke up but not in my room. "Shit." I whispered, "can I not get any decent sleep."

Before I could continue my whining, I saw something strange. At first I thought I was dead, obviously I wasn't.

I saw, myself? But I looked the same age? I don't remember this. Did this happen when I left a couple weeks because I needed a break from supernatural? But when did it happen?

Thoughts were like hurricanes in my head with all the questions building up. Trying to catch a glimpse of my surroundings, I went over to the man I was talking with, dark brown hair which I imagined was soft, blue eyes like the sky.

To be honest, he was hot. I even admitted it to myself. But why was I talking to him? As I dug deeper, I realised I was laughing, laughing? And so was.........I didn't even know his name.

As I thought for a moment - thinking of something I could call him for now. I just stuck with pretty boy, it sounds weird and cheesy but I didn't know what else to call him, I didn't wanna call him Jeff?!

I laughed at my own humour feeling disappointed that my life came to laughing at myself.

I decided to watch as me and pretty boy talked for a bit. At one moment, pretty boy looked at me and I straight up got scared and one moment I even thought he was ignoring me, to remember that he can't see or hear me.

As I was enjoying myself, the questions came back. Why can't I remember this? Am I going crazy? Is my life so sad I'm imagining meeting handsome boys?

And then it hit me........IM NOT GAY???? Why was I saying that? I'm not gay? I like girls, right?

I started freaking out. What would my friends think? What if they kicked me out the pack. I started to cool down when I remembered Ethan and Jackson.

I started to think when this was gonna end. How long was I even in this dream for?

Suddenly the scene changed - and freaked me out as I had never had a dream like this.

I saw pretty boy and me again.......but it didn't look exactly what I thought it would? Me and pretty boy were, crying? And when I got closer I saw blood. My eyes shot out my head and I thought I was gonna faint but I didn't.

It was mostly on Pretty boy,I could hear what they were saying now. "I'm sorry stiles." He said to me.
"No, we can figure something out."

"I don't want you to see me like this, I shouldn't of got you into any of this anyway." More tears came down.

"I don't care what you are! I love you."

"I..I love you to." Pretty boy replied.

I was already crying at that point, it was like a movie.
And it was an ugly cry.

"Pretty boy *ugly crying noise* don't do what your about to do." I called out knowing they can't hear me.

"I really do love you, stiles but I need to do it."

"Damon, no."

Damon. His name was Damon.

"Stiles," Damon looks straight into my eyes, "we never met, you had a great time in mystic falls for a while, you don't know who Damon is, you will forget every conversation and go home this evening."

"We never met," I repeated, "I had a great time in mystic falls, I don't know who Damon is, I will forget every conversation and go home this evening."

"Me *even uglier sobbing noise* don't do that! Why are you saying that!" At this point I looked like I got drenched in a pool.

That's when the dream ended. No more information.



Damon is pretty boy.

When I woke up I was sweating, crying but I don't really want to admit it even though I was very emotional.

"I will meet you, Damon."

I re-thought every moment and started to think - again. Why was Damon covered in blood? Wait, didn't I say "I dont care what you are" was he like, a supernatural creature?

Before I knew it, it was the morning. I hadn't even realised I was over thinking it for that long.

The sherif (my dad) poked his head through my door to check I was getting ready.

"What are you doing still in bed? Your gonna be late," as he walked of I heard him say "again."

I got ready and sorted to start the day, but what was stuck in my head, was pretty boy, Damon.


845 words.

This is the first chapter of stamon. I actually have no idea what to call it, so please give me an idea to name it.

I know I kinda made it so dramatic at the end of the dream.

I don't know if anyone will actually read this but, tell me if you like it or not. I don't think I made any spelling errors. Have a nice day.

Stamon (stiles and Damon) tw/TvdWhere stories live. Discover now