The bus ride

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*stiles' pov*

I don't remember anything after calling Lydia, except getting into comfy clothes and thinking of Damon.

But that was only 5 minutes after, I was out by then.

Luckily, I woke up at 6:30am, which is still early for me.

I packed the last things I needed and sat in my bed going on my phone.

Before I knew it, it was 7:30am.

I wanted to be early that day, as coach can be a handful.

I said goodbye to my dad who was just leaving, and hopped in Roscoe excited for the adventure ahead.

I got to school and saw coach and the others waiting, which made me really confused as I thought I was early, thought.

"Stillinski, nice of you to join us." Coach said sarcastically.

Stiles just shot a confused look at everyone. Not even a second later, Lydia shot a signal to get over there now.

Stiles quickly got his suitcase and hurried to his pack while sweating.

"I'm so confused I thought I was early."

"Stiles," malia started, "even I read the rest of the letter." I gave another confused look.

"Get your letter out." Lydia spoke.

As fast as I could, I opened my bag and took at my now crumpled letter.

Lydia put her finger at the bottom.

It read: as we need to be there by the afternoon you have to get to school at 7:45am.

I looked at the time, it was now 7:55am.

"Oops." Was the only thing that came out my mouth.

"Enough chit chat and get on the bus!" Coach yelled in the same temper he's always in.

Everyone got on the bus, I was last on. I head to the back with the pack. I sat next to Scott like i always do on school trips.

Lydia sat next to malia, and Kira sat next to some other friend she has that I don't know.

Me and Scott didn't speak until he said, "hey, do you think there will be supernatural creatures there?"

"Probably." I said, without realising I made Scott pull a face that said 'we will never get a break'.

"Hey, it's okay scotty, even if there is we can deal with it." I reassured scott, he just cracked a fake smile.

I know Scott is hurting, he is always protecting the pack, he doesn't want anyone to die. He had it hard for allison and aiden.

He's so stressed making sure there's no evil in beacon hills but evil is everywhere.

"Hey Scott," I began placing my hand on Scott's shoulder, "everything's going to be fine, and hey, you have me!"

Scott laughed, "hey! What's so funny."

"It's nothing." Scott smiled, real this time which made me smile too.

"Your the best friend anyone could have." I swear he was about to cry.

I pulled into a big and we stayed like that for about 2 minutes. We didn't even realise we were already 15 minutes into our journey.

( just pretend it's not like 40 hours to get there, pretend it's like 8 hours.)

*scotts pov*

I don't deserve stiles, he knows when I'm sad and he always cheers me up. We've gone through so much together. Being with stiles is like being with your brother, it's the best feeling I could ever have.

(Sorry I had to add that in, I've seen loads of fanfics where Scott kicks him out and he's mean but there friendship is so cute)

*stiles pov*

We were about 1 hour in and I started to get bored. We still had 7 hours! I'm going to be dead by the time we get there.

I got comfy in my chair and rested my eyes. I felt happy, I had Scott, my best friend next to me. And for some reason I was happy about going to mystic falls.

Without even realising, I fell asleep.

I woke up, not in the bus.

"I'm here again?" I muttered under my breath.

This time I was in a park, with Damon next to me, we were walking up the pathway talking to each other.

I got closer so I could hear them.

"Your a strange boy, stiles." Damon spoke.

"I'm strange? I barely know anything about you, wait let me guess, your undercover and you need to get information from me for this secret case?" I laughed at my stupidity.

"See, this is why your strange."

I nudged his arm, "okay then, if I'm wrong then tell me about you, I'm all ears."

Damon smiled, "well, I have a little brother, I like to read books, I say there better than the movies."

Damon drifted off, "I don't really get this close with people."

My grin grew wider, "does that make me special."

"I'm not sure, which special do you mean? There's a couple terms used."

I (actual me) smiled at the sight of me and Damon getting along so well, I wish I could actually meet him.

Without notice, the scene changed. I knew what to expect.

I was sitting in a hotel room when I got a knock on the door. I got up and checked who it was.


My eyes widened at the sight of him, he was covered in blood crying.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you alright? Quick, get inside." I spoke trying to stay calm.

I helped him on and sat him on my sofa not worrying about the blood.

"Stiles........." Damon tried to speak but failed.

"Hey, hey it's alright. Try breathing." I tried to comfort him.

He managed to get calm.

"Okay, now tell me what happened."

I was suddenly cut of by Scott's voice.

"Stiles! Wake up!"


"Stiles we are here."

I opened my eyes and the bus was empty, I guess i fell asleep for a long time.

"We are in mystic falls."

Mystic falls.

We are in mystic falls.

I guess now I can find out why this place is so special.

1001 words

Thanks for reading!!!!

Have a nice day!


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