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(I thought I'd add to this story again :D)


New supernatural creatures.

Scott new straight away on the tour with bonnie that there were supernatural creatures from his sent of smell. But he didn't want to tell us until later on.

I didn't really pay attention to anything the teachers were saying, I mean it's not like I'm staying here.

It was strange though, knowing the people in your class could be your soon murderers. It's unlikely but we never know.

I wonder if these people had anything to do with Derek? And I never actually knew why Peter was here.

Even though he helped in saving me, it feels like he will betray us but he might actual want to start helping us. I mean he's already lost a lot of times so it would be pointless trying again.

Unless, he has someone powerful, but this is Peter we are talking about.

I got so frowned in my thoughts I forgot about Damon. If he was truly in mystic falls and possibly supernatural then would he be friends with them?

I got snatched out of my thoughts by a bell.

Everyone got out of there's seats and for my surprise it was the end of the day.

"Ughhhh I hate that teacher." Malia complained.
"That doesn't mean you start swearing at her!" Kira replied.
"She had it coming."

Malia smiled as she saw Kira start to agree.

"Okay maybe she did have it coming-"
"Hah! You agreed."

They both laughed.

We all walked out of the school, happy it was over.

Suddenly, I felt someone watching me. I turned round but no one was there.

"Damon?" I whispered.

"What was that?" Scott asked.
"Oh it's nothing." I lied.


*stefan pov*

"Damon?" Stiles whispered.

If I didn't know any better I'd think he was talking about my brother. But why? What would he have anything to do with my brother?

But then again, my brother Damon isn't the only Damon in the world.


We all walked back to the place we were staying.
Derek was a bit mad we didn't wake him up and Peter, he didn't mind so much.

We started to explain

"So do we have any ideas on what they could be?" Derek asked.

"No, well not yet. They asked to meet us in a bit." Scott replied.

"How do we know they won't hurt you?"

"Wellllll, we can only find out if we go."

"Okay well I'm coming with." No one tried to argue back with Derek or atleast no one wanted to.

"And I will stay here, safe." Peter sarcastically said making a few people roll there eyes.

We all left soon after Peter said that comment.

"So where did they tell us to meet up?" Malia asked.

"Uhh it says in the forest."

"Great, not sketchy at all."

"Oh come  on, what if they aren't bad people?"

We arrived at said location and to be honest I'm not gonna be surprised if we get killed.

"AAAAaaa." I screeched.

"What is it?" Scott asked hurrying over to me.

"I don't want to leave you! Damon I love you!"

"I- just I love you to but I don't want you to get hurt."

"Please Damon, I can protect myself."

"But what if you can't? What will happen then? You'll die?.....sorry."


I snapped out of whatever that was and was back in reality.

"Are you alright?"

"Uh yeah?" Damnit that was not convincing.

Everyone gave me a worried look until Stefan walked over to us.

" I right?"

I just nodded in return.

"What was that?" He referred to when u had that flashback.

"Uh- I'm not sure."

"Does this have anything to do with someone named Damon?"

My eyes shot open. How did he know that? How does he know Damon?

"I'll take that as a yes."


Does this make sense?
I hope so.


Stamon (stiles and Damon) tw/TvdWhere stories live. Discover now