Terror Breeds Power

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Restoring the galaxy, stopping the war. That would be how I was going to prove Rey how much I love her. I would become good for her. And it may take months or years. But I will become what she wants. I will love her when she can forgive me when I can forgive myself.

With this vow slowly the First Order was coming to an end. With stormtroopers all over the galaxy surrendering to the Rebellion. Peace and joy spread like wildfire and the war would soon be over. However, with the First Order perishing a new evil will rise to meet it.


One Year Later 


The force had been quiet and empty ever since Rey's last encounter with Kylo Ren. She had felt torn. For months on end she had begged for peace, for distance and for an end to the war that had torn through the galaxy. But with one battle won, plenty more arose within herself that she had seem to lose to every time. She had restored peace to the galaxy but had lost her own. 

"Rey" I heard Poe call over 

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart were you busy" He continued while hauling a giant wooden plank over his shoulder wincing. 

"It's fine It's fine please don't offer your help" He glared at me while carrying the plank over to the house we were currently rebuilding. 

I rolled my eyes and focused my hands forward and slowly the plank was lifted off his shoulders and settled on the roof. When it had securely landed I smirked and dusted off my hands. 

"That's.. that's cheating" He grumbled and walked back to collect another. 

The first few months of the First Orders retreat was tense and stressful. We were constantly on high alert waiting for them to strike back (psst that's a movie reference) but nothing. True to his word Ben had truly disarmed his forces and had called for a cease fire and return to every planet his troops were stationed in and that had been the last we had heard of the first order. So then the rebels focused our energy on rebuilding. The rebellion had become very popular with ex First Order troops joining across the galaxy and civilians who had seen the new found peace as a result of the rebellions efforts. The rebels were heroes across the galaxy. 

"You know you could have easily switched places with the training cadets" Finn poked at Poe.

"And be stuck teaching a few kids how to use a blaster. No thanks. I'd very much like to keep my hands, and feet and eyes and-" Poe carried on but was interrupted

"And I would like to keep my sanity which seems harder to achieve the longer you speak" Matt spoke out. 

Ever since our mission together he had grown comfortable with the group. Well as comfortable as he could be although he seemed unusually uncomfortable around his sister, as was she. 

"I think all we need is a little team work" Rose said in her usual optimistic bright voice. 

"Yes I do agree Rose although team work does seem to work better when the TEAM" Mei emphasised while snatching the bread roll from Rose's hands and pulling her up to her feet 

"Work together" she finished with a little chuckle at Rose's frustrated face.

Everyone laughed together and I stood there in silence feeling a pull inside my chest. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.... or Ben. 


"You are a fool!" A stubborn and stern voice followed me through the corridors. 

"We were at the edge of victory! We still are we can still-!" Hux called out while storming behind me. 

"What we were at the edge of was terror. Complete and utter terror that would have torn this galaxy apart" I interrupted him stopping in my steps and faced his frighten stance as he was inches away from my face having walked right into me. 

He took a deep breath and recomposed himself and gave me a challenging glare. 

"Terror breeds power" He spoke calmly "And power demands submission and submission encourages peace"

I glared him down. General Hux was an individual with dangerous ideals but lucky enough for me and the galaxy he was a coward that didn't have the power to act on them. 

"What's done is done" I commanded. "Do not forget your place" I took a threatening step forward and he cowered back.

I stormed into my room and began to assemble my gear. It was time I returned to Rey. Had it been too long? Had I not done enough? All of these thoughts raced through my head. All this time I haven't allowed the force to connect us in the slightest. I felt that I hadn't yet deserved to feel her warm presence. I felt that her hate for me had only grown since she had escaped. But now, finally I had done as she asked. I had changed into a better man. All for her.

Without realising it I had began to feel her warm soft hair tangled in my hands, I could feel her small hands entwined with mine. Slowly the force was opening itself up to me. I know that it was yet too early. That I was still not deserving of her love. But I needed her. If just for a second. I closed my eyes and a faint smile started to rise for the first time in months. I reached my arms out hoping to feel her warm embrace. I felt her, I heard her, I could sense her. And just as suddenly as she was within reach. She was suddenly torn away. 

And I was left 

With blood running down my chest

"My place is no longer beneath you"

Author Note

I did have a question for my readers. I wanted to make things a little spicy and I guess my question is. How spicy is too spicy? ;)

Thank you so much for staying with me for so long. Please vote and comment your ideas I love hearing from all of you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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