A Love That Destroys

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I was finally drawn out of the dream and Ben was still kissing me. He had a tight grip on my waist and I tried my hardest to resist. He kissed down my neck.

"In my dream we ruled the entire galaxy" He said into my ear making me shiver.

"I could feel it" He said and looked me deep into my eyes "You were happy, as happy as you have ever been" He pulled me closer as his hand wrapped further around my waist.

"You were with me. You were happy with me" He said and kissed my forehead.

"Your place is with me" He said before taking my lips again. This time however I was no longer paralysed with fear from the dream or shocked with surprise. This time I pushed him away. I ran to the other side of my room and slid down the wall gripping my head into my hands. The images of my friends dead haunted me.

"Stay away from me" I said as he walked towards me.

"I have no place with you! I want no place with a monster like you! How can you smile after watching us destroy the whole galaxy!" I cried.

"Because we were not destroying we were rebuilding" He with a stern voice and his face becoming very serious.

He came to my spot up against the wall and caged me with his arms. Trapping me in his embrace. Instead of being afraid I was comfortable.

"You saw how peaceful it was after we had finished all the battles. You saw what we had accomplished" He said in a soft tone.

I looked up into his eyes that were pleading for me to understand.

"I also saw everything that it took to get there. The lives that we had taken. The innocent people that died" I said suddenly regaining my confidence and stood back up. Ben had stood with me and I was still trapped in his hold. "I saw what we became! I saw the monster I became!" I yelled out. I could no longer hold in my rage.

He had seemed to have enough of what I was saying and sat down onto my bed.

"I will get you back Rey" He said

"And I will get you back but not like this" She said in a sad voice making him look up. "I don't want you like this"

"I WILL MAKE YOU JOIN THE DARK SIDE!" He yelled "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE CAPABLE OF! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I HAVE SACRIFICED! YOU DONT HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE OF HOW HAPPY YOU WOULD BE WITH ME!" He finished screaming and was in front of me. His face was filled with rage his hair was messy from him gripping it in anger and his eyes were wild.


She was breathless and no longer had the energy to fight. They both stood silent. Both breathing hard with frustration looking at each other. They both stood without moving in the room beside her bed. 

"I love you" He said in an apologetic tone. 

He waited for her to reply desperately hoping she would return his affection. 

"You are smart enough to know that I love you too" She said and watched as his face lit up. "But we can't do this" She said in a defeated tone.

"What do you mean?" He asked his voice shaking as he tried to hold back his tears fearing that she was about to say what he thought she was.

"We can't be together Ben. It would be better if you stayed on your side of the galaxy and I stayed on mine" She said with a voice of finality. She tried desperately not to cry as she felt the overwhelming sensation of his sad emotions. 

"We are powerful together. Our love is the strongest this galaxy has seen" He said reaching out hoping that she would take his hand.

"Our love would only destroy the galaxy" She said as she watched the tears fall from his eyes. She knew how much he hated being vulnerable. 

"I will not allow you to do this" He said replacing his sadness with anger. "I am coming for you and you can run all you want but I will find you" He said and attempted to grab her hand only to figure out that she had taken away the power for him to touch her. 

"DON'T DO THIS!" He yelled in rage as he continued to try and touch her only for his hands to pass through her. 

"Sweet heart is everything ok in there?" Rey heard Poe's voice.

"Who is that?" She watched as Ben's face turned into a muderous scowl.

Love With The Force (Evil Rey) (Kylo Ren x Rey)Where stories live. Discover now