Chapter 16

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**A/N: Sorry, in this Chapter, my writing style will be jumping all over the place. Just a forewarning**

"Naila! Hi!" I whipped around while rummaging through the fridge, in my head, anime tears streamed down my face.

"Hey~ Eliza What's up?" I wanted nothing more than to run upstairs but oh well

The cheery female, whom I hadn't noticed sitting at the breakfast bar, jumped out of her seat and approached me with a confidence I sorely wished I had. She was dressed in some pajamas and some Kuromi slippers (Kuromi is the hello kitty but dressed in black instead of pink).

"Nothing much. I was waiting for you to get home actually, just so knew you were safe," she shot me a goofy grin as he leaned against the counter watching me. "Didnt want our new roomie to get kidnapped on her second day with us."

I let out an awkward laugh as I twirled around and started scouring through the cupboards for a cutting board.

"So what are you up to then?" Eliza asked. I turned to look at her briefly before replying.

I grabbed the meats and cheese from the fridge and set them to the side. (A/N: I mightve been hungry making this chapter. Im sorry ;-;)

"I'm just making a small wine board, sans the wine. Easy to snack on while doing some assignments," I mumble the last part under my breath as I cut into some nice prosciutto, slicing them into small thin-ish circles and moving onto cutting up the marble cheese into nice cubes.

"That sounds interesting, but you don't really expect to do homework this late, do you? Everyone's watching a movie in the study, so you should join."

I feel my body tense up for a second, mid-cut, which I hoped wasn't noticeable. I shook my head, deciding to avoid eye contact with the woman behind me.

It was quiet for a bit when something moved into my peripherals.

"What are you doing?" I asked, peering at her briefly from the corner of my eye. She looked like she wanted to say something, my guess that it was about the way I was acting in the cafe, but she seemed to think against it.

"Just watching."

The room grows silent once again, just the sound of the cutting board permeating a few times before she speaks up again.

"So will you join us? You never gave me an answer you know" I put down my knife and turned to look up at Eliza. An expected and somewhat hopeful look covered her face.

"Really Eliza, thank you so much for the offer but I really have some work to do that I wasn't able to finish yet. And besides, I can survive on a couple hours of sleep, and I don't have any classes tomorrow, only a shift in the afternoon," Grinning while waving my hands around, brushing off the topic.

Her eyebrows furrowed and my smile dimmed a bit. Did I do something wrong?

"Well..." she trailed off, "If you're not going to join us, don't stay up too late. It's not good for your health and you should relax, you did have a long day."

Nodding dismissively, I realized I honestly forgot everything that happened this morning but I flashed her a smile, trying to reassure her.

I gathered my meats, cheese and a bag of crackers before cleaning the cutting board and knife, all the while Eliza continued to watch me with what I can only describe as a concerned look.

Finishing up, I took my plate and my bag that I left on the floor and waited for the woman behind me who was still slumped against the counter.

"Are you coming up or should I leave the lights on?" I inquired, which broke her out of the daze that I didn't notice she was in.

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