Chapter 8

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Fayre had just left and was currently dancing with some people that I'm pretty sure she had just met, but I guess that's how she is.

Turning around to face the bar, I made myself a Spritz, a cocktail that I found out about when travelling with Fayre and Orion one school break. It's somewhat sweet and fruity and the alcohol isn't too strong.

Too lost in my thoughts I don't realize I have made and downed at least four of these, the glasses accumulating in front of me, before someone taps me on the back. I jumped slightly and looked at the person only to find Mikael looking at me in amusement with a barely concealed hint of concern.

"Hey teddy bear! How're you coping?"

Raising an eyebrow at him, I studied the man for a second. He was wearing a leather jacket on top of a white graphic crop top and black ripped skinny jeans with fishnet peaking up from the top. On his feet were some gorgeous ankle boots with a heel. It's nice honestly, the way he dresses. It's refreshing to see now a days, a guy dressing up foregoing the toxic masculinity. And... I think I've been staring at him a moment too long.

"I think I'm doing alright, but considering the amount of drinks I've had, I'm not so sure, I mean I feel fine but-" I was cut off by a soft chuckle. I raise my eyebrows at the male questioningly. "What?"

Looking at me incredulously, he shakes his head and laughs again.

"Oh my god, what is it?" I raise my voice, trying to be serious but I can't stop the giggle forcing its way out.

"It's nothing, I just thought you would've been freaking out a bit more about drinking. Orion told us you were an incredible lightweight."

Gasping dramatically, I roll my eyes.

"How dare you assume that I can't hold my drink sir. I am mortally wounded."

Mikael looks at me surprised, probably from my change in attitude but laughs a little. This friend group really does laugh a lot. I wonder how they are able to do that, you know, laugh all the time like they're always happy. It's impossible honestly.

"I assure you madam, I mean no offence. 'Twas but a simple topic of conversation me and my companions had with your own." His response was funny and reminded me of  someone I know but I can't remember who. I swung and pointed my finger at his face.

"You remind me of someone. Who do you remind me of?" I know I was confusing him but I wanted an answer and this  seemed the most logical way of finding that answer at the time, when arms wrapped around my torso.

"Hey Nai, how're you doing?" Fayre leans her head on my shoulder and I lean back onto hers.

"Meh I'm tired, so nothing new." Closing my eyes and attempting to take a little nap on the girl.

"How about you Mikael?"

"I'm doing great, teddy bear over here is very entertaining, especially while drunk."

Righting my head, I shoot the man a glare.

"I am not drunk, I am perfectly... sober thank you very much," unfortunately my words slur a little but I pretend not to notice. "By the way Fay~, heh that rhymed, who does Mikael remind you of? He reminds me of someone. I don't know who~ and I wanna know."

My friend moved her way to stand in front of us and thought about it, a questioning look on her face, or maybe it was contemplation, I really don't know at this point. I'm too sleepy for this.

"Well Oh! Doesn't he remind you of that guy we ran into when we went to Calgary? You know your ex who invited us for dinner? Though Mikael is way way way less of a creep, you know?"

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