Chapter 6, Falling for you

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Emma Jane Antoriku's POV

What happened?! I hold Chrona's hand, and it was so cold! Her eyes, lines are coming out.

Chrona - ... Ka.. Ugh!

She's panicking! Is she hurt? Her face is filled with pain.

Syo - Mikuji! Mikuji! Wake up!

Jane - Chrona! What's happening?!

Chrona - Le.. Let go!

Chrona's hand became very hot, and turned red. She was sweating.. Chrona reached her hand up, and her hands were turning white. Her nails were turning black, she was breathing heavily. Soon, she sit up quickly, amd woke up. She was breathing fast.

Chrona - **pant pant** What.. happened?

Syo - You wer--

I grabbed Syo's hand and nodded, he looked confused but he nodded too.

Jane - Nothing, you just fell asleep. Were you half awake?

I dont want to tell her, she'll just freak out. If she knows about this, she'll practice like crazy. Chrona rubbed her neck, and stand up. She said,

Chrona - I can tell, your hiding something from me. I can read minds, remember?

Jane - Yup, but we wont tell.

Chrona - Then I'll just have to ask.

Syo - What do you mean?

Chrona -With every question I ask, and the more the guilt you feel, I'll know.

Jane - ... Then we won't answer.

Chrona - Fine, I'll have to command you with my eye.

Jane - I wont let you!

Chrona - Too late.

Chrona's eye color changed, it turned to glowing red. She says,

Chrona - I command you to tell me the truth!

I lost controll of my self, and my mouth said it,

Jane - Your powers are getting out of controll. Your power is getting stronger. And you wont be able to controll it that easily.

Chrona - **sigh**, knew it.

Jane - You used it on me! >\\\\< Why didn't you use it on Syo - kun?!

Chrona - Kurusu is innocent, you just got Kurusu to listen to you. -____-

Syo - Call me Syo.

Chrona - Okay. Let's get goin.

Syo - What if Otoya and the others are there?

Chrona - So? I dont care. Lets just go, **smile** I wont mimd seeing them.

Jane - Chrona.. ^_^

Chrona and Syo started walking towards the door, and I followed. We got out, and I closed the door. I looked at the sides, I saw 5 shadows at the corner. STARISH. **sigh**

We walked to wards the exit, I went to Chrona's side and whispered to her,

Jane - STARISH is stalking us.

Chrona - Who cares? Let them be. I have a plan, and listen to me and dont mind them.

Jane - Got it.

I got my small mirror from my pocket, and checked from behind. Otoya and the others are following us. We went 4o the cafe, where we should have went earlier. We arrived, we sat on the for 3 table. We ordered tea, and a slice of cake. I ordered blue berry cheesecake. I just love it~~~~. So did Chrona, Syo ordered strawberry shortcake. It arrived, and we got out fork, and cut a slice. Syo bit a part of his cake, and had a cake on the side of his mouth. How cute~, I was about to get tissue from my bag, but Chrona got one already, she said,

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