Chapter 1 The Infiltration in Lorient

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June 7 1944 at the forest, Stefan Fischer and his men were launching a German Resistance attack against Nazi soldiers. Stefan is the Sargeant of German Liberation Front and the current leader of the faction. Stefan called one of his subordinates.

" Lieutenant Friedrich Bartel!" Stefan said.

" What is it Sargeant?"  Lt. Bartel asked.

" Let's deploy our troops in Lorient in France. There are number of Nazi soldiers are still patroling while the U.S. already cleared the Nazi Germans in Normandy."

" Yes sir." Lt. Bartel said.

" And we need to find and rescue Manon, a French soldier who is captured by the Nazi and taken to the nearby headquarters neared the port in Lorient."

Later, Stefan and his men were heading towards Lorient. They managed to launched an offensive attack on the Nazi soldiers. The Nazi fought back even though outnumbered as Stefan and his 400 troops were heading to the center of the Lorient.

" Lt. Bartel. Lt. Eiffel. We need to sabotaged all the U-Boats by planting the explosive device.

" We'll head west of the dock sir." Lt. Eiffel said as he and Lt. Bartel were headed towards the dock to do their sabotage mission while Stefan and his men were continued killing every Nazi soldier that they can find.

Later, Bartel and Eiffel have succeeded sabotaging three U-Boats and submarines and then the U-Boats and submarines were exploded.

Later, Stefan and his men were arrived in the nearby headquarters and launched an attack and killed every Nazi officers and the Nazi Marine Special Forces also known as Kriegsmarine and they successfully rescued Manon after she was trapped in the headquarters.

" Are you okay Manon?" Stefan asked.

" Thanks Sargeant Fischer. Now we must drove the Nazi Soldiers out of France. But there are several units that were led by a French Nazi officer named Robert Moreau are still in the other facility nearby."

" Where is this facility?" Stefan asked.

" That's in the north neared the cathedral." Manon said.

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