Chapter 2 The Hunt for Moreau

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At the base camp, Stefan and his men were planning on the strategy in search for Moreau

" Listen up. Moreau has been working with the Nazi for almost four years now." Stefan said. " His first hideout might be in the Le Bleu Mansion in the north."

" Sarge." Lt. Eiffel said. " Moreau is armed and dangerous since he joined Nazi Army in the first place which made him one of the Nazi Commanders."

" Moreau choses a man to be his right-handed in the Nazi Partisan Organization which established in 1942 in northern France by a man named Friedrich Richard Heineken Wolfe. He was probably chosen by Hitler to be Moreau's right-handed man."

" What should we do Sargeant?" Cprl. Schreiber asked.

" We'll keep an eye for both Moreau and Wolfe." Stefan said. " However Moreau has been targeted by British, French and American for his alliance with the Nazi Germany. So tomorrow at dawn, we shall headed north where Moreau and the other Nazi soldiers are in last refuge, the Le Blue Mansion is located in Dunkirk."

" We are nearly close to Netherlands but there are still number of Nazi German soldiers are roaming around Dunkirk." Cprl. Larsson said.

" Tomorrow morning, we will launched an aggressive assault on the Nazi German soldiers as soon as possible before Moreau and Wolfe have a chance to escape to Germany." Stefan said.

The next morning, Stefan and the German Liberation Front have joined forces with the Americans, British and French military soldiers have launched an assault on Dunkirk and start killing more than 279 Nazi German soldiers.

Meanwhile, at the Le Bleu Mansion....

" Commander Moreau. Major Wolfe. We have a situation." Nazi Officer Dolf said. " The German Liberation Front have joined forces with the Americans, British and French and managed to penetrate Dunkirk."

" Call reinforcements!" Comm. Moreau said.

" The Allied Forces have cut off the communication supplies." Nazi Officer Brenstein said.

" Commence evacuate Le Bleu Mansion and proceed to Gotha." Major Wolfe said. " Just to make sure we don't get fall into an enemy ambush."

" Wolfe! As I said, we need to move to somewhere safe by enroute from Netherlands to the German border."

Later, the German Liberation Front and the Allied Forces entered Dunkirk, 455 Nazi German soldiers have been killed by them as they proceed to Le Bleu Mansion.

" Sent the Sherman Tanks  and bombard that mansion!" Stefan said

The Sherman Tanks bombed the Le Bleu Mansion. 73 soldiers were killed but there was no sign of Wolfe and Moreau.

" No sign of Wolfe and Moreau." Lt. Schreiber said.

" They must have escaped." Stefan said. " We must proceed to Netherlands. British and French will take care of remaining Nazis in France, Luxembourg and Belgium. We will joined the Americans entering Netherlands in which number of Nazi Germans mistreating Dutch citizens."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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