Chapter 1 - Philza + Technoblade

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- NO POV -

Philza woke up to his body hitting the wooden floor of a house he had never seen before, he groaned lightly and sat up. He looked around the room, stairs by the door, a couch, a TV, kitchen near by. He knew he wasn't in a more advanced server, this felt different than being in a different server. He looked at the ground next to him and noticed Technoblade, his cape was ripped in a few places and his crown had clattered across the floor. Philza flexed his wings out a little letting them droop down at his sides lazily.

He shook Technoblade a little trying to get him to wake up, his son groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Whaaat?" Techno said with his deep voice. Technoblade blinked a little before becoming aware of his surroundings. "bruuuuhhhh" The two stood up fully unsure of what to do now. The piglin hybrid suddenly turned his head to the stairs, he could hear footsteps coming towards the stairs.

The person started to walk down the stairs. Phil realized that the feeling he had was familiar.

"oh no"

The person stopped halfway down the steps and stared at them suprised. It was the same feeling he got when in the End or Nether.

"Techno we are in another dimension" Philza said as he stared at the person on the stairs. The person was himself, but from another dimension with shorter hair and no scars on his face. The other Phil blinked before sitting down on the stairs.

"why do crazy things always happen here" The other Phil groaned, he got off the stairs and walked down the rest of the way, "im not hallucinating right? I have to be, this cannot be normal"

Technoblade spoke before Philza could "Not a hallucination for sure" he said. The other Phil breathed in and out slowly to stay calm.

"So where did you two come from?" he asked.

Technoblade looked at Philza to explain.

"We came from another dimension, I don't know how we get here or why. and I don't know how to get us back either.... others might have also been transported here." Philza explain. The other Phil nodded unsure.

"um you guys can sit on the couch make yourselves at home. I'll be back" The other Phil walked back up the stairs. Technoblade and Philza sat down on the couch. They could hear muffled talking from upstairs.

"Techno wake up"


"please wake up your brothers and tell them to come downstairs we have a.... situation. nothing dangerous I swear"


Philza looked over at Techno as he shifted uncomfortably on the couch. he sighed "where are you hurt?" he asked. Techno was going to say he was fine but Philza cut him off. "I know when you lying Techno please let me take care of you" he pleaded. Techno sighed and nodded, no trying to fight with Philza on this. He took off his cape to reveal various small cuts on his back and chest, ruining his nice white shirt. Technoblade looked at his cut up cape sadly. "I'll fix it for you later mate" Philza promised him.

They heard footsteps from the stairs followed by a loud scream.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!" Tommy, the other Tommy. The other Phil sighed.

"Tommy please stop screaming." Phil asked

"THERE ARE WEIRD VERSIONS OF YOU AND TECHNO IN OUR LIVING ROOM AND THEY HAVE ANIMAL PARTS WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!" Tommy screamed. Philza folded his wings up instantly. Wilbur looked amazed while the other Techno just looked bored. Philza sighed. Tommy shut up instantly and looked at him.

"before you continue to scream please let me explain." he paused but continued when no one said anything. "we come from another dimension very very different from here... atleast where we stayed. we are not sure how we ended up here or even how to get back to our home." he explained to the family. Tommy seemed to have calmed down though seemed like he had questions. "You guys can ask questions if you want"

The four walked down the stairs. Phil went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate.

"what was the world you came from like?" The other Technoblade asked.

"Lonely. The server we have been living in is very split. A once beautiful land split by wars and governments," Techno shook his head. "We live in the Arctic along with our Tommy Wilbur and Ranboo" Techno explained

"Ranboo?" Wilbur chirped.

"He is another stray that Philza over here deciced to take off the street and adopted" Techno said pointing.

"hey! he needed help and I wouldn't let him be homeless" Philza replied, "I guess you don't have a Ranboo in this dimension or atleast haven't met him yet."

"So why do you have wings and why are you part pig?" Tommy asked.

"I am a Piglin hybrid" Techno replied crossing his arms. He had pink hair, sharper nails, tusks, and pointed ears with pink fur on them.

"Im also a hybrid" Philza chuckled, "it's very common in our world for people to be hybrids with different mobs or animals" he explained to them.

"Do you guys fight people a lot?" Wilbur asked. he noticed the scars on Philza and Techno's faces.

"Yep I'm the best pvper out there. I never die of course Technoblade never dies" Techno replied.

"We have been in wars before and fighting mobs, always a way to get into a fight in our world" Philza Explained. Phil came back from the kitchen and handed the two on the couch hot chocolate.

Tommy gasped "what?!?! I want hot chocolate" he whined

"Make your own" Phil replied

Tommy whined more "But I don't want to!"

Phil chuckled a bit "Arent you a big man? big men make their own hot chocolate" With that Tommy ran go make his own as he was a big man and would prove that at any cost. Philza and Techno watched the two interact, it made them miss their Tommy.

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