An Unexpected AU

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        Malfunction, otherwise know as Errortale sans's supposedly 'nonexistent' brother, was intrigued, to say the least. He had come across an AU that was supposed to be destroyed but... it wasn't. By all records, Inktale had been destroyed when Ink ripped his own soul apart. Yet here Malfunction was, in a place that could only be a unfinished AU, and that also just so happened to line up to Ink's AU's coding.

          How did he get to this AU? Well, Malfunction didn't really like to make himself known throughout the multiverse, so when a dream, a golden version of Sans, saw him and tried to talk to him, he quickly opened a portal to what at first, appeared to be the Anti-void, but on some closer inspection it turns out he's in an Inktale copy. None of the Papyruses or Sanses had ever seen, or heck, realized someone could've even made a copy of Inktale. Since well... Ink is supposedly the only one who can make copies of AUs, and the AU Ink came from was long gone by the time he became the protector.

       Well since he was already here, he might as well make some friends! Despite what most would assume based on his secrecy and tendencies to stay hidden from the Sanses,  he loved to make friends! He also loved to protect his friends when they are in hard times. I̶f̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶t̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ h̶i̶s̶ o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶l̶a̶t̶e̶.̶..  

       "W-who are you?!" A voice from behind him nervously shouted.

         As  Malfunction turned around to see to whom had spoken to him, he gasped in happiness. It was a Papyrus! Finding an Inktale AU was good on its own, but the papyrus here wasn't Soulless, which made it all the better. For one, it showed it wasn't complety copied, and they could become wonder friends!

        "My name is also Papyrus, like you!" Malfunction giggles, but continued to speak, "Although that would get very confusing so you can just call me Malfunction!"

        The other Papyrus just stood there, confusion replacing the panic he had moments before. How could there be another of him? Although considering, Sans had ripped his soul apart and somehow how brought himself to life, this wouldn't be the hardest thing to believe. Plus he didn't look dishonest, per-say, he just seemed a little... off. In a 'Hey, I'm kinda crazy' kind of way. 

        "So if your also Papyrus, what should we call me?" The sketched Papyrus said.

        "How about Trace? Since your a copy of the original Inktale!" Malfunction added enthusiastically.

       "No clue what Inktale is, but sure!" Trace flashed a quick, beautiful smile. 

        "So, what happened here?" 

        "Ah you know, death and stuff," Trace chuckled.

         "Well I got that much about this AU- you know what this seems like something you probably don't want to talk about..." 

        Trace rolled his eyes, and smiled teasingly, "You don't say."

        "So, what are your hobbies?" Malfunction asked.

        "Well as you can probably guess, there isn't much to do here." Trace then muttered, "And it gets kind of lonely here.

         "However, I did find a small stream that glitched into existence recently, its really calming! We could hang out there if you want!" Trace said, in an effort to change the conversation.

        Although Trace had only just met him he seemed so trusting. So... cheerful. Not as if Malfunction didn't also have a cheerful demeanor, but Trace seemed somehow more than just cheerful. His emotions weren't as 2d as his own emotions, and it just made him feel truly happy just talking to him, being near him. Everything about Trace was so, amazing!

         "Well, once we get there we could watch some AUs together! Its a trick with manipulating the code, I learned it from my br- friend! Friend..." Malfunction said, with a tinge of sadness by the end of his sentence.

       "Okay? I'll pretend like I know what you said about AUs and codes for now, but don't think I won't ask later!" Trace said, the adorable smile on his face never wavering.

And with that, they set off to the the river to watch Undernovela, and chat.

        I'm thinking about writing a story about Trace and Malfunction, not entirely sure on the plot yet, but I love all the possible ideas with these characters! I can't guarantee that this story will happen but it might. So if you enjoyed reading, this keep your eyes out for when/If I post that Fic!

Also, what would their ship name be? Malrace? I'm honestly not sure ^^;

(Also I wrote this at 5 am and I haven't slept at all so my spelling and grammar might be off)

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