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• Hailey's P.o.V •

I leaned against a pole that was beside where Thomas was sitting as Newt was stressing.

"Shut up! Let's get started!" He said then looked at us. "Don't you dare say a bloody word unless you're being talked to."

We both nodded and everyone finally got quiet.

"I now pronounce this Gathering in session as of now." Newt said. "Now we are here to talk about Thomas and Hailey's move they made and ran into the Maze."

"They should be punished." Gally said. "They broke a rule that they knew not to break."

Thomas was about to say something but I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Yes they did break our number one rule. Nobody runs in the Maze. What should be done to them?" Newt asked.

"Thrown into the Pit. Separate ones." Gally said.

"Minho what do you think? You were out there with them."

"I say that we should make them Runners." He said.

Arguments erupted among the Keepers and my eyes even went wide.

"Hey! Shut up you shanks!" Newt shouted. "Minho explain why you think this."

"Well when I was scared and on the verge of klunkin' my pants and ran off those two shuck-faces stayed back and helped Alby. They weren't freakin' out either they were calm and determined to get out. Another thing, they were there for each other the whole way. Thomas was there for Hailey when she was on the verge of givin' up after gettin' clawed by a Griever. And Hailey when she was on the verge of death she fought. She kept the ones she loves in 'er mind. Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Alby, me and much more. She could've died out there but she didn't she's the first one among all of us to not be scared and hide away. If any of you were out there you would've hidden and klunked your pants." He said.

"One night in the Pit no food or water." Newt looked at us.

"You really think that's gonna keep them out, Newt?" Gally asked.

"No and we can't just have Non-Runners running into the Maze." Newt said. "As of tomorrow the both of you will be Runners. I say this Gathering is now ended."

Everyone got up and headed out of the council room as Newt and Minho came over to Thomas and I.

"Thanks Minho." I said quietly with a small smile.

"No problem."

"Well you got your wish." Newt crossed his arms as he looked at me. "Are you bloody happy?"

"Newt, please don't be upset." I shook my head.

He turned around and walked off out of the room. I sighed and walked after him. I looked around and saw him climbing up a ladder to get in a treehouse. I limped over to it quickly and climbed up.

"What do you call this place?"

He stayed quiet as I climbed completely and crawled over to him and sat in front of him.

"Newt." I took his hand. "Don't shut me out."

"Look out tree."

"You know how I got my limp, how did you get your's?"

"I told you, I was a Runner-"

"I can tell you're lying Newt." I leaned my back against the wooden wall and looked at him.

"I tried killing myself." He looked at me. "When I first got here I hated this place so bad everything about it that I climbed up half way on the wall and jumped off. I hit the ground pretty hard but Alby dragged me out and the impact cause me to have a limp."

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