I Get It Now

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"Daddy!" I hear Gia yell and suddenly I'm back in my house with all my kids. I get up and walk to Gia's room. "Hey princess." I say. Ellis is in there too Gia woke everyone in the room up. Ellis was about nine now, Gia and Camilla are five and Zola is fifteen. Zola had her own room. I walk over to Gia's bed. "What's up baby girl?" I say kneeling down.

Dad used to call me that "baby girl." It was our thing, it made mom smile and sometimes when he called me that he would pick me and mom up at the same time and spin us just to make us laugh. I miss mom. The last time I saw her I was four, I'm nine now. The last time I saw mom was right before her accident. We had a girls night which really meant dad had to work Zola, Liam, and Austin, were at there friends and Bailey was at aunties with the babies so it was just me and her. We had a special dinner, ice cream, and then she gave me a special blanket and let me sleep in her bed. As a four year old I thought it was super cool but looking back now it kind of weird because mom never did that kind of thing. Mom never let any of us sleep in her bed and ice cream was only for special special occasions. I remember before we fell asleep mom started crying and then hugged me and said "I love you, you're my baby girl forever and ever don't forget it. Ellis you're so strong." She was acting really weird that night.

Gia wanted me to lay with her so I got on the bottom bunk with her and layed there until she fell asleep. I got up and went back to my bed the second I closed my eyes I was back there. On the beach, one I've never seen. Waves crashing, kids laughing, sun bright, god if this was real it would be beautiful. "Cory." Meredith yells. "Yes?" I call back as I walk towards her. "I should have stayed." She says crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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