Chapter 1:

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Spencer's POV:

I wake up from the sun shining from the curtains on my face. I look over to the left and see my beautiful wife of 10 years Isabella. This is what I love, my wife and my children. I don't see them much because of the job but that's alright because I treasure these moments. All of a sudden a bedroom door slams open and come my six kids Jennifer, Tyler, Derek, Leo Kylie and Clara, they all  shout
"happy Mother's Day!"
and my wife wakes up due to the noise she sits up rubs the sleep from her eyes and smile is widely at her kids in front of her.

"Thanks guys I love you come here!" They all climb onto the bed sitting down. We all talk for an hour until my phone rings. Everyone looks at me so I sigh and answer.

"Dr Reid."
"Reid I need you to come in today."
"What! Why?"
"A serial killer in California."
"Ok I'll be there in an hour."

I hang up and look at my family's disappointed faces. Isabella looks over and sees their faces so she says
"Come on guys just a good dad has to go to work let's not ruin Mother's Day we can get upstairs and make pancakes and bacon eggs sausages and maybe if Clara helps me we can make some waffles."
That seems to cheer them up because they all rushed out waiting for Isabel to help make breakfast. She looks over at me and says
"Spencer I understand you have a job but don't you have any days, you any vacation days?"
" I do but we are saving them for the summer trip for taking the kids on remember?"
Last year we decided to take the kids on the trip next year which would be this summer, travelling all across the world. Isabel is a urologist and the FBI pays quite well so we're able to pay for expensive things.
"Oh right ok well go get ready and I'll help make the kids breakfast?"
I nod and shuffle out of bed getting ready to go to work. I walk downstairs and see everyone chipping in making breakfast. I see my youngest Clara run up to me, so I quickly crouch down and lift her up.
"Mummy look Im taller  then you." She giggled
"Wow baby but you know since your taller then me, that means I can't reach to give you any waffles."
She gasps and says
"Okay munchkin, daddy's gotta go to work so I will see you all later, okay?"
I kiss all my kids on the forehead but kiss Isabella on the lips.
"I love you, so so so so much!"
"I love you too!"
"Bye everyone!"
They all shout bye and I walk to my car and drive to work.

Bella's POV-short for Isabella:

Its been 10 hours since Spence left and its been fine at the house. Me and the kids have been playing games and watching movies and it's been really fun. It's now 10 o'clock at night so I shout to the kids
"kids start to go to bed now!"
They all moan but do as I say.
I pick up my phone and call spence. I wait for a few second before he answers.
"Hey baby are you coming home yet?"
"Yh Im on the plane right now and we're landing in half an hour."
"Okay, I'll see you when you get back."

"Bye love you.''

"Bye love you too"

I wait up for another half an hour but when he doesn't get back I decide to leave it and go to bed. I wake up 3 hours later when I feel the bed dip beside me. I turn around and see spencer. I grab his chin make him look at me and say

"where the hell have you been spence?"

He looks at me apologetically and says

"Honey, I'm so so sorry we got back to the building but Hotch said we could g unless we finished paper work and because I shot the unsub I had multiple papers to fill out."

''Well why didn't you phone me Spence? I was worried."

"I know I should have I'm so so sorry." I look at him and see he is sincere so I sigh and say

"It's alright just don't do that again all right, you're going to give me a heart attack." He chuckles lightly before signing and snuggling his face into my neck, so I scratch his head softly and fall asleep with him." 

Dr. Reid's SecretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin