This Can't be Real

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4 days later :

Pov : Xiao

I was sitting in the hotel room on the Bed While Aether was in the bathroom showering.
I thought about anything that happened that night.
Boht me and Aether didn't know what to do next, well we came to the conclusion that we would be dating but without anyone knowing.
I was still an Adeptus and he was just a normal mortal human who is weak.
But somehow he got my heart and thought all tangled up like it was nothing.
" why must you be so cute?" in embarrassment I flinched as I saw Aether standing in the door way of the bathroom looking at me with a little confused face, he was only in boxes and a little bit to big shirt.

Aether :" Are you alright, is something bothering you? "

Xiao :" y-yes are you ready to go?"

Aether :"well if you can see.. I still need a few more minutes and then we can go!"

I Nodded and kept looking at my cute little sunshine, his Wet long hair was sticking to some parts of his face.
I wondered for some days now why a boy would keep his hair long but it didn't really matter to me.
" Well at least it will help me get a better grip on him" I thought silently.

Aether was now putting on his top which maybe me see the bit mark again, it was still a little bit visible but not so much any more.
I got up from the bed and gave my little human a hug from behind, I rested my head on his shoulder and got some head pads.

Aether :" come on now I need to get ready, after the Celebration of Rex Lapis visit we can Cuddle, okay?!"

Xiao :"... Okay...."

Aether was done after not even 2 minutes as we want to the Palace were the Ceremony was taking place Every year, I stop and Aether did so as well, I already had told him I was going to watch the even from a far since I didn't like human contact and then there was also still the Preparation I was asked to do.
Aether looked around for a split second, before I could even ask for what he was looking for he gave me a soft light kiss on the lips.

Aether :" love you!"

I hide my blush with my hand as Aether ran of towards the crowd of people already waiting.
I got caught of guard by an weary familiar voice that was coming towards me.

??? :"why are your late!"

Xiao :" you have no right to question me Qixing?"

I turned around an faced the smaller woman know to me as Misses Keqing from the Liyue Qixing, she or better to say her "Boss" had asked me for a favor to watch over the ceremony this year for some reason.

Keqing :" you should probably get in Position now, the ceremony will start soon!"

Xiao :"why is it that you even need my help, isn't the Qixing and the Military not strong enough to watch over a this event!?"

Keqing :" No.. Is not that... You see there has been a lot of rumors around that there is a Fatui Harbinger in Liyue and Miss Ningguang is a bit worried.

We both ended the conversation and went to our spots were we were looking over the hole place.
I was sitting in a tree up one one of the mountains frome where I could see Aether asking some people before making Wishes to the Geo Archon.
I lost track of him when the ceremony started, Miss Ningguang was holding her speech in front of the people for this event.
She started the ceremony by Summoning Crystal and putting them in place by her vision.
All eyes were on the sky as the light stood up from the table filled Wiht the food for Rex Lapis.
But something was definitely not right, the sky changed to a dark gray and a lot of wind was moving around, this was definitely not normal.
I jumped down from the tree to land on the Cliffs edge, I started to see the panic in the eyes of the people as a huge thing came down from the sky and landed on the table.
A big Dust Cloud was the only thing I was seeing, as the dust went a way I could barely believe what I saw.

Xiao :" This... is impossible?!"

Rex Lapis the Geo Archon was dead!
I fell to my knees hitting the hard stone in disbelief "No.. No... No... This Can't be Real...?!" I was in such a shock that I didn't even notice Miss Ningguang standing out the military to close all the exits.
One single Tear ran down my face, the God that I Served was killed.
I removed my tears and want down to Miss Ningguang and keqing who was also in shock.

Keqing :" who could this happen...?!"

Ningguang :" Did any of you see something suspicious or ordinary?!"

Xiao & Keqing :" No!"

Ningguang :" this person must have been strong to kill Rex lapis..!"

Xiao :" stupid.... No human mortal is Abel to fight let along to kill a god! "

Ningguang :" you have a poi-"


Ningguang :" Ganyu, what is it?!"

Ganyu :" some of the military people have been killed by the Stairs, it seems like someone escape! One of the military says that the escaper was a boy with blonde hair and another Wiht orange one "

Keqing :" what but how did they even get past the other -?!"

Xiao :" Aether......?! "

Ningguang :" who...? "

Xiao :" Ganyu... You coming with me! "

Ningguang :" XIAO,what are you doing..! "

Xiao :" I'm about to KILL a fucking Harbinger! "

I took running of Wiht Ganyu following close behind me.
" I told you to listen to me " my heart and thoughts were racing, by the second I snapped a bit back to reality I heard Ganyu voice.

Ganyu :" Xiao were are we going?! "

Xiao :" Not so far from her is a Fatui Hideout, hopefully he is there!"

I stopped at the laughing of a man to our right , we were already in the opened area from Liyue.
I look up to a small rock where the man was sitting, his orange hair and devil's smile Wiht the dark blue eyes and Fatui mask on his side made my pulse rise.

??? :" oh... Are you tow looking for someone??"

Xiao :" weher is he you Bastard!"

??? :" oh he is there Wiht my partners!"

We turned to see where the man was pointing, as my eyes froz in place.
Two Fatui Agents were holding Aether in place with blades placed by his throat blocking him from moving.
My eyes moved back to the man in anger, both Ganyu and me summed our Weapons to fight.

??? :" This is what I like to see, to Comrades Wiht fighting spirits!"

Ganyu :" who are you and what do you want from him?!"

Childe :" oh my apologies I'm childe and the reason why I have this little Traveler is because I witnessed something LA siniora is not happy about! "

Xiao :" what do you mean,you Scum! "

Childe :" he only witnessed how lord Barbados gnosis was stolen and that he is powerful enough to fight a dragon, sooooo we will need to kill him. "

I was about to Explode out of anger AS heard what happened and what this Fatui guy were about to do, as I heard a explosion from the side wich seemed to cut all of us of guard

Ganyu :" TRAVELER !"

genshin impact  ( xiao x aether) 🔞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora