Part 16-If happy ever after did exist

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Nathan's pov

I was awoken by the clattering of the letter box. I groaned and rubbed my head to my dismay it hurt like hell's teeth.


I groaned once more and went to lay my head back down when i suddenly felt a weight across my body, I had been so caught up in my pain I had ignored the skin to skin contact.

I opened one eye only to find a mob of curls laid against my shoulder.


Oh My god.

Had last night actually happened?

Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit. Jay's going to have a bitch fit! I tried to remember what had actually happened only to be threaded some pretty 'Smutty' Images of the previous night. I felt like I was in one of those freaking fanfics Tom reads on the tourbus for a laugh.

Jay let out a sort of asleep-sigh thingy and moved slightly.

Awkward didn't even cover the way I was feeling right now.

I set out to sleep with someone to take my mind off Jay not to end up in the situation I wanted to be in but WITH him! Argh.



Well Now I've got that out of my system.... now what. Shall I just lay here and watch Jay sleep like some creepy pervet or shall I nudge him awake and explain how sorry I am- Wait I shouldn't be apologising! He came onto me! 

Now I'm angry too! Fucking Bastard toyed with my emotions AGAIN!

In my anger I huffed loudly causing my chest to rise and rapidly fall again therefore allowing Jay to jolt awake.... Well this should be entertaining. Grab some popcorn everyone!

Jay groaned and blinked a few times Just like me it took him a moment or two to figure he was lying, well in his case; On top of someone.

"Nath?" He questioned looking me in the eyes.

But I turned desperate to avoid being confronted.

"What happened last night?" Jay asked rubbing his temples whilst leaning across my bare chest.

I huffed.

"For someone who's so freaking smart take at look at us and you'll probably remember."

He paused then his eyes widened.

"I got horny." He said in a worried tone but his phrasing meant I had to chuckle.

"For the better you go 'frustrated' then we..." I lead off.

"I know I remember." He whispered gazing into my eyes.

"Are you not angry?" I asked in confusion.

He shook his head meaning his curls sprung against the frame of his face.

"No, I meant what I said Maybe I do love you. And last night I proved to myself I did infact love you, something changed. Because we both know that wasn't just a casual one night thing Nathan there was so much more behind that."

I felt a grin spread across my face.

"You're not gonna fuck with me this time are you?"

He shook his head once more.

"I really, really do love you."

And by the look in his eyes I could tell he was telling the truth, The glisten reminded me of what came to my eyes when I looked at Jay.

"OI I GOT YOU GUYS SOME- HOLY SHIT!!" Tom walked into the room.

We both practically screamed before Jay fell off the sofa pulling on his boxers in the process and I grasped a nearby hoodie ( Not sure who's it was) and covered my frame with it.

"MY EYES MY FOOKING EYES!!!" Tom screamed as he walked into the door frame because his eyes were covered with his hands."

He collapsed to the floor.


I couldn't help but laugh, typical Tom always over-reacting But I suppose it would have been a pretty scarring view to see your two band mates laid across each other, both Naked, with Jay's bum glaring at you.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY! IT'S AWFUL! GOD GUYS! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WERE- I MEAN- GET A ROOM!" Tom cried as he dug his face into the sofa edge , He was almost crying.

"Please get changed." His voice came out quiet and muffled as he buried himself in the material of the sofa....

So as you all know I'm awful on length terms. I really just can't ever seem to gather enough to make a part long. They're always dead short. So I decided to do short but regular updates maybe 2- 3 times a week :) I've had lots of awesome feedback! So thank you guys! I hope you all have a freaking awesome christmas and get everything you want! - Sophie xx

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