I'm hurt, But I'll be fine- Part 5

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Nathan's pov

The rest of the day was pretty Average , No major Drama's as such although there was a point where Mine and Jay's eyes met and I could see the apology leaping from his irises but I just looked away in an attempt to withdraw my emotions.

It wasn't Until I got to Dionne's that my day collapsed "What happened?!" She cried grasping my body in her arms, I felt tears beginning to run down my face "I told him and he..." I had to stop myself from choking on the tears which were now racing down my face at a tremendous speed. "Nath?" Dionne whispered looking into my eyes "He ran off and urm now he acts like nothing ever happened." "Maybe that's for the best." She sighed , i shook my head "He gives me those disgusted looks and he avoids me at all costs... I've lost my best friend." I cried out and collapsed onto her shoulder ; Letting sobs spit from my throat. "I'm sorry." Dionne said gently rocking me in her arms....

I blinked away the dust surrounding my tired eyes, I had stayed at Dionne's last night unable to return to the house. The sunlight reached into the bedroom through the gaps in the shutters. I sniffed and realised the pillow was damp, I must of cried myself to sleep; yep I did I remember. It's amazing how fast things can change and just like that within the perfect second of timing my phone buzzed on the bedside draws 

From Jay Received at 07.47

we can't let this change our friendship, we need to talk, asap.

Talk about demanding.

Sent To; Jay at 07.48

I don't think I can just go back to normal.

 Almost instantly he replied

From Jay received at 07.49

Which is why we need to talk!


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