King Taehyung

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At least the seducing will be easier now... If this Taehyung is anything like the Taehyung I know, he'll fall in love with me immediately. This will be easy. This almost feels like the moment I saw the ring again, I have hope. Hope of going back, of everything going back to normal.

Taehyung is sitting in a very casual manner, his back is resting against the throne he's sitting on. Buzzfeed would say he's 'manspreading'. He looks very bored, like he's been doing this all day, even though it's only 11am. His hair is like it was the last time I saw him, it's dark and in a mullet-style, he looks very good. He's also wearing a uniform that looks like the one Jungkook has on, but it's clearly more expensive than anything a normal palace boy would wear. It's bedazzled with all kinds of gemstones in every color you could imagine. He's also wearing a thick, red cape with a fur trim, very royal.

He looks me up and down with the same bored look he's had the whole time. "Yes?" he says, well that's very rude. I can't blame him, everyone has been putting him up on a pedestal since he was a child, he can do anything he wants. 

"Mmh? You requested an audience with me?" he's getting impatient. I totally forgot what I was doing. At least I didn't freak out this time, but I wish I would've prepared this better.

"I just want to get to know you better" I say, I facepalm on the inside for the dumb line, but it's all I can think of right now.  

Taehyung quickly gets up from his throne and takes off his cape. He gives the cape to a random worker just standing there and slowly walks towards me.

He starts walking in circles around me, but keeps his movements slow, almost like he's a character in a movie that isn't running at the right speed. I've always seen Taehyung as a baby, but boy does he know how to be intimidating.

Maybe it's the way he's looking at me and judging every inch of my body, maybe it's the agonizing silence, you could hear a pin drop. Maybe it's the bored look on his beautiful face. Maybe it's how I have no idea why he's doing this right now, but it's probably because I just told the king of France that I wAnT tO gEt To KnOw HiM bEtTeR.

After a few minutes of Taehyung looking at me with an uninterested look, he walks further away. He shouts with a loud voice "Seokjin!" a tall, skinny and very handsome man walks in. "I like him" he points at me. "Can I keep him?". Wait. Do I hear a pleading voice from the most important king in the world right now? Can't he just do what he wants?

The man who I presume to be Seokjin answers him like I'm not in the room "Another one? You can't have every single good-looking person you see". Then it hits me, I know Seokjin too! He's the guy that Namjoon hangs out with all the time. Who else is going to show up? I don't know what I'll do if I see a guy who looks exactly like Namjoon here.

Taehyung pouts "I kept you around, you're good-looking". Seokjin laughs "Yeah, but I'm your cousin, that's a very different situation, you normally keep family around". Seokjin looks at me "What's your name?". I answer him quickly "Hoseok. Jung Hoseok". Seokjin looks at Taehyung again "Well anyways, Tae, you can't just 'keep' people without asking them".

Taehyung's cool guy facade has totally dropped now, he's started whining. Exactly how you would expect a young and spoiled king to act. "But he said he wants to get to know me and I want to get to know him too!!! Have you SEEN that jawline Seokjin? And his legs? He probably does sports" he says like I'm not standing in the same room.

Seokjin laughs again and motions towards me "Go on, ask him". Taehyung turns around and starts walking in my direction again. He stands very close to me, I can almost feel his breath on my lips. He whispers "Can I keep you?" I don't know why, but it feels like he's about to start crying.

I honestly have no idea what he means by that, but I'm happy that King Taehyung likes me, I have to say yes if I want to go home. "Yes" I slowly whisper back with a smirk. If I'm really going for it, I have to play his game.

And I guess I'm really going for it.

Taehyung jumps up happily "He said yes! Seokjin, get Jungkook to show Hoseok to his room, I only want the best for this pretty boy!" Seokjin starts walking away to find Jungkook, but stops when he hears my voice.

"My room? You don't have to worry about my accommodation, I have a place I can stay at, I live with a friend". I didn't sign up for this. I have just started living with Yoongi and I don't want to leave him. Can't I just live at his house? I'll have to tell him I have a job at the palace, but I just want to keep sleeping in his bed, I want him in my arms. I barely know him but everything just feels right when he's next to me.

"I shouldn't worry? You shouldn't worry sweetheart, you'll be in the best room a man can get, it's much better than your friend's measly apartment" Taehyung looks confused. "It's really no problem, I don't-" I try pleading with him, but he interrupts me. "You'll stay at the palace!" he stomps his foot on the ground.

"Uhm... alright?" I have to play along with him, this is my only option. Taehyung puts on a smile that looks fake. "Attaboy, we'll have so much fun!" he claps his hands. He looks Seokjin in the eyes "Shoo shoo, go get Jungkook!"

Seokjin rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. Taehyung takes his cape from the servant he gave it to before and puts it on again. I look at the ground and wait for Jungkook to arrive. However, I didn't expect Taehyung to talk to me.

"So, Jung Hoseok, huh? Do I know you? It feels like I've seen you before". I'm confused by the question, why would he know me? I answer anyway "We've never met before. Well actually... Never mind. I just have one of those faces I guess" I shrug as I chuckle awkwardly. 

"I guess" he laughs "Well, mister Jung, I'm very excited to have you living here, you're very excited too, I presume. Who wouldn't want to live in my palace?" he flips his hair and I laugh politely.

How am I going to explain this to Yoongi?



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