Chapter 1

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"Get down! On the floor, hands behind your back!" A loud male voice yells as four people storm the small convenient store. "Take everything you can get." The leader of the three says simply as he watched the hostages, the black ski-mask outlining his wicked smirk. "Now this is going to be simple; we will take what we want and we will leave. Hopefully no one will be hurt today." The man hums as he puts his hands behind his back and walks around, looking intensely at the hostages.
"Sir! We found him trying to escape out the back door!" Another males voice yells. Commotion was followed as two of the four men carry a struggling boy out of the back room.
"L-let go!" The man screams as he thrashes his body. The leader of the men hums under his breath, walking up silently, yet calmly. He studies his attire, seeming as he worked there with the uniform he wore. Crouching down, he looks at the workers name tag. Liam.
"Well... Liam- is it?" The man asks as he crouches down to the mans level.
"I- i know who you are. Louis, Louis Tomlinson!" Liam yells.
Yes, Louis Tomlinson. The most wanted criminal in the state. He was pretty famous around here, wanted signs being on every store window and news paper. No one ever dared to mess with him though, they all know whats he is capable of.
A sharp intake of breath was heard when the criminal pulled out a pistole. "Now Liam... i really don't appreciate you trying to escape. Im trying to run a robbery here and you aren't making that easy," he teases.
Liam shakes his head and stutters out such dangerous, yet simple words.

"Bite me."

Everyone in the room gasped at the mans choice of words. But all the leader, now known as Louis, did was let out a deep chuckle. "Take him to the back boys, you know what to do." He announced with authority. The men start dragging him back, screams coming out of Liams mouth as he placed the palms of his feet down on the ground attempting to stop what was going to happen.
"N-no! I told him too!" An innocent but yet deep voice was heard. Louis head snapped towards the direction of the voice. There a man stood, legs shaking and tears streaming. He had curly brown hair and big green eyes.
"Oh, really now?" Louis asks as he stands straight up and makes his way over towards the boy. "This cant be true, such an innocent boy being so naughty." Louis teases, his eyebrows going up as if he was surprised.
"W-what makes you t-think im innocent?" He asked, trying his best to keep up a confident posture. This only made Louis chuckle more. He brought his hand up to his mask and slowly pulled it off, revealing his bright blue eyes. The green eyed boy would be lying if he said he didn't gasp.
"The skirt, the lipstick-" Louis grabs the end of the boys skirt and lifts it up slightly, revealing white lacy panties.

"The panties."

The boy blushed a bright red and quickly slapped the mans wandering hands away, pulling down his black pleated skirt. Louis looked as if he was lost into thought for a few minutes before his smile widens and he looked back at his team, "take the boy and the money, leave the man." Louis demands.

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