My Allegiance Lies with Morality

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Ophelia Nailani sat quietly in the large room, observing the senate meeting that was proceeding. Her hair sat in three buns on her head, wrapped tightly so that they were secure in case of combat. She was dressed in tight pants and a cropped, armored shirt. Her dual sabers strapped carefully against her waist. 

She was twirling a pin in her hand as a meeting continued below her. The room was buzzing with rage as the Supreme Chancellor's majordomo desperately tried to quiet the room."Order! Order! We shall have Order."

The young jedi snickered. For a bunch of diplomats, Ophelia was utterly confused at their lack of manners and their inability to hold a peaceful conversation. 

"The motion for the Republic to commision an army takes precedent, and that is what we will vote on at this time."

Ophelia turned, her interest peaked. An army was against everything she stood for. As a jedi, she stood for peace, and keeping it, not making situations worse. She turned now, her feet hanging from the window, sabers at her side. As the room dulled, the young jedi guardian leaned in, to get a better listen. 

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine raised his arms, and began speaking. "My esteemed colleagues listen. I am afraid I have received some disturbing news." The girl tilted her head. "Senator Amidala of the Naboo system has been assassinated."

Unrest in the gathering began again. Ophelia couldn't believe her ears. Padme Amidala had been a great friend to the young girl, and a trusted advisor. She nearly vomited and anger coursed through her. She loved Padme. The senator had acted as her older sister in a way. Ophelia nearly cried out in disbelief. Her chest ached and her head spun, but she reminded herself of the rules of her order. Attachment was forbidden. She was not allowed to feel for the death of Padme, nor anyone else for that matter.

The chancellor continued, "This grievous blow is especially personal to me. Before I became chancellor, I served Senator Amidala when she was queen. She was a great leader who fought for justice, not only here in this honorable assembly not only here in this honorable assembly but also on her home planet. She was so loved she could've been elected queen for life. She believed in public service and she believed in democracy. Her death is a great loss to us all. We will all mourn her as a relentless champion of freedom...and as a dear friend."

Ophelia scoffed. As much as she had loved Padme dearly, she knew the chancellor had ulterior motives to mourning the death of the senator. He was corrupt, power hungry, and manipulative and she knew it. She couldn't come to trust him the way everyone else had. She dare not overstep the supreme chancellor, the consequences from the council would be severe. All she could do is listen for now.

Ask Aak, the senator of Malastare moved his pod towards the supreme chancellor. The young girl could feel the energy radiating off of him. His negativity, evident in his face. "How many more senators will die before this civil strife ends? We must confront these rebels now and we need an army to do it."

The small girl shook her head in disbelief.

"Why weren't the Jedi able to stop this assassination?We are no longer safe, under their protection."

Ophelia stood up, slammed her hands into the wall; creating a loud noise and began signing. "With all due respect Ambassador Darsana, the Jedi shall not be a scapegoat for the shortcomings of the republic, the senate and their protection measures. There were no jedi on that craft to prevent the assassination. Pushing the narrative that the jedi are incompetent is unreasonable. Should a senator not be able to provide for its people, not only food and shelter, but protection from threats as well. It is not our fault that Amidala is dead.  An army will escalate standings with our wavering alliances and we are not in the best of positions to create an army." A droid then translated

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