The Fae

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There was no other like her

With beautiful features

And a voice like the wind

She was one of the Fae

Her curled blonde locks

And a dimpled laugh

Her smile was a legend

Her kiss a cool summers day

She often wandered

If you were lucky enough

You might've glimpsed her

Meandering through the trees

With enchanting grace

And a porcelain face

She had he attention of many

But the funny thing was

She had no interest in love

For her heart was pure and childish

And for centuries she walked

Among men and women

Her name reaching ears all around

One day she sat at the root of a tree

Her beautiful wings

In line with the leaves

She sighed a deep sigh

And said a goodbye

To the world she loved ever so

You can still see her shadow

Next to that oak

Her soul  wanders the forest

And legends are still told

Of the mysterious faery

Who faded away when all was so merry

If you ever look, you might find

That gentle shadow

Playing in the shade of the tree

Forever faded, forever she.

Oh, can you hear that?

She's laughing with glee!

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