C h a p t e r t w o

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Eves P.O.V
It's Saturday morning and we are meeting Theo's boyfriend today, and I'm sure Moe mentioned that they were bringing two people too. I was in the kitchen making some pancakes when Moe came out of their room rubbing their eyes groggily. "Morning sleeping-beauty"
"don't even go there this morning Eve"
"fine, fine, whatever,I've made blueberry pancakes, you want some?"
"Yeah sure, hey where's Theo?"
"He went out at 8, I'm not sure why, but I'm sure he'll be back soon"
Then as if on cue Theo walks through the front door "Theodore William Parker where the hell have you been!" I rush up to him and examine him, make sure he's okay. "Thank you Eve but Im okay I swear, I just went out and did a bit of shopping" and with that Theo left to his room.
Time skip to 1:30
I meet up with Moe and the two people they decided to bring, Tabitha and Ty I think their names were. They seem really nice. We all walk in and try and find the pair, I look around and spot the two in a booth at the far back in the VIP area, we walk over and sit down. Me, Moe and Ty sit on one side and Tabitha joins Theo and Alec on the other. "OMG, hey Alec, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"

Tabithas P.O.V
I cant believe Alec didn't tell me he had a BOYFRIEND. So rude. The names Tabitha, me and Alec have been best friends for like forever. Ive known Moe for a while too, now I'm straight but I am very much gay for them. Ty is my twin brother, he's older by about 2 minutes and believe me he loves to tease me abut it. Ty and I met Moe because our moms were best friends all throughout high school, so me and Moe were like sisters. Back to the present day.
"Hehe yeah i guess it slipped my mind" Alec said sheepishly, whilst rubbing his neck.
"I think we should go round the table and introduce ourselves" Eve, I think her name is, suggested.
"I'm down for that" Alec agreed.

Ty started talking "My name is Ty I'm 20 years old and I'm a photographer"

"My name is Moe I'm 19 and I am a pastry chef in training"

"I'm Eve I'm also 19 and I am a painter, whenever I'm not at the cafe of course"

I go next "hey, my name is Tabitha, i am 20 years old and I'm currently studying marine biology"

"My name is Alec, I'm 21 and I'm a fashion student"

And then finally Theo "hey I'm Theo I'm 21 and when I'm not in the Café I'm a design major"

Alecs P.O.V
I'm really excited to meet Theo's friends, they all seem really nice. From what I've gathered so far Eve is definitely the mom of the trio, Moe is the chaotic child and Theo, my boyfriend, is kind of the sensible one. Theo and I have been together for around 8 months, I think I love him. Theo and I met on campus, he bumped into me and stepped on my toe, I then walked him to his studio art class.  


I was walking to my modeling class when I felt a bump on my shoulder "omg I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to do that"  I looked down and saw  a cute boy with dyed bright orange hair. He was wearing a beige crew neck jumper with a collard shirt underneath it and some cream and brown checkered trousers. He looked up at me and I saw his gorgeous hazel eyes. He was beautiful, and then he said "I'm Theo by the way, I'm a design major" he stuck his hand out, I took it and replied "I'm Alec and i am a fashion major"
"oh that's so cool, how come I've never seen you here before, I'm sure I would've noticed a cutie like you?"
"You're awfully bold considering you've known me for all of 5 minutes"
"what can I say I'm a bold person, so with me being so bold let me ask you something"
"Go on"
"Wanna walk me to my studio arts class?"
"It would be an honour"
And with that I walked him to his studio arts class, when we got there he went inside and said a quick "bye" and then walked inside. I sigh and then see a bright orange ball of fluff come running at me with a slip of paper
"Call me sometime, yeah?"
"Oh uh yeah- sure- okay- cool"
"Bye bye lover boy"
I feel heat rise to my cheeks but then i realise that I actually have a class to attend.

End of flashback

Okay so this is like the first actual chapter in of the story and I'm quite proud of it tbh

Kk that's all be :))

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