Friends With Benefits?💕

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{Alastor X Fem! Reader}
|Second Person POV|

You let out an annoyed groan, kicking your feet up from the couch head. Swishing sounds came from your legs as your arms were hanging beside your head. The sound of the fire crackling bounced around the Victorian living room. Slowly but surely, the black blood in your body was flowing into your head at its own pace, regardless of being upside down for about 20 minutes.

It has been 5 hours since you've been waiting for your best friend to finish his work. Not that it was a problem, demons still need to work down here too, but he's been so busy with that management job at the Happy Hotel that he had completely forgotten about you. Something he wouldn't dare do before.

The sad thing is that you can't really be on your phone considering he hates modern technology, the most you could do was sing to yourself or listen to music. You know, the normal stuff.

Actually, should you sing? His office room is basically soundproof, so he couldn't really hear you unless his door's open. Though he probably wouldn't mind, of course he hasn't heard you sing before, you and insecurity aren't the best of friends, like most demons.

You pursed your lips, glancing around the room for an answer.
"You know what... Fuck it." You said to yourself, finally deciding on what to do. Risky, but something to pass the painful time. You weren't about to die twice of boredom, another ridiculous death doesn't need to be written in the book.

You flipped off the couch, stilling once you landed on your feet. For a second, you forgot about the consequences of being upside down for too long.
A groan came out of your mouth as everything started to spin. The blood mocking you inside your body by how dumb you were.

You stupid physics..!


After some time of recovering from the blood rushing back down in your body, you took a quick glance around the room, just to be sure your friend wasn't there to catch you in the act cuz why not, more insecurities weren't needed.

"Hm.. What song, what song..." You muttered, tapping your chin. Oh so many songs to chose from.

Maybe a sad song? No, if he hears you, he'll think you're a depressed bitch. Something you wouldn't want him to know.

A pop song? He's from the old time-y age, he'll be weirded out. Completely change his view on you.

Just as you were about to search up a random song, an idea popped in your head. With a small smirk formed on your lips as you typed in the song.

Turning the volume down, you set down the phone on the coffee table. The intro started to play quietly as you walked behind the couches for space to dance.

This song was always repeating in your head, you didn't really know why, but the rhythm was catchy. What could you do? Just wait it out until you get annoyed by it? Hell nah.

"Tell me something, I need to know.
Then take my breath and never let it go..
If you just let me invade your space.
I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain~"

You sang softly, swaying your head to the beat. The living room filled with your voice and the faint bass of the music echoing through the room.

It's been a good while since you've sang to yourself, even if you were alone. Days have been slow, hard, boring, fast, too much. Especially for your bestie, that hotel job got him booked all week 24/7. It kind of hurts that you couldn't spend time with your friend anymore like you both used too.

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