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I swung my feet in the air as I gazed down at my reflection in the water, it was so peaceful right now. The sounds of the village were drowned out by the loud crashing of the waves as they hit the rocky shore line and the gulls cries rang through the air signaling they had finally found something to eat. I sucked in a deep breath to taste the salty smell of the ocean that was always in the air around our small village, I had learned to love this smell in the past ten years. We were big in the fishing business, sometimes when I wasn't in school, I would get to watch the large ships float into the docks then slowly soar over the smooth water back towards the mainland. The mainlanders fascinated me, they were always wearing fancy outfits and coming in on fancy ships. I used to always ask my Papa how come we didn't get as fancy stuff as them, he would just shake his head and say, "You don't need the fanciest of things to live a happy life Oceania. It's about the people who surround you."

I smiled at the thought of my Papa, I hadn't seen him in a month, he had gone out on a long fishing trip leaving my Mother, older brother and me alone. I worried for my mother, she was always trying her hardest to give me and my brother a good life that she never thought of herself. When I grow up I hope to be just like her, she's always-- My thought's were cut off by a continuous tapping on my shoulder. I growled and spun my head around to face the culprit, it was Miles, my best friend. He smiled apologetically before sitting down beside me, "Whatcha thinking about Oceania?"

I shrugged, "Nothing important."

He smirked and stared at me with those bright blue eyes of his, "You sure? You had that 'deep in thought' look on your face when I walked over here."

I laughed and stared back at him with my plain grey eyes, "I'm sure Miles."

He pushed one of his broad shoulders against mine in a joking manner, "You can always tell me anything. You know that right?"

I pushed him back, "Of course."

He watched me challengingly as he pushed me back a bit harder this time. I shot him a quick glance before pushing even harder. He was full out grinning by the time he gave me one last giant push, I stumbled to the side a bit. Miles eyes widened as he reached out to catch me but he was too late, I slipped off the dock, a loud scream escaped me as I plummeted into the cold water below. I opened my eyes to find myself under the water, I immediately began to panic, I stretched my arms out and pulled myself towards the surface.

Right as I was about to break through to the air above something wrapped around my leg, I screamed, immediately salt water began to fill my mouth. I tried pulling my leg away but it was no use, I could tell I was running out of air by the burning sensation that was filling my lungs. Black specks began blurring my vision, I tried desperately to hang on but I couldn't anymore, I slipped into unconsciousness.

~Miles P.O.V~

I stared down into the water where moments before my best friend had fallen in. I had immediately ran to go and get Oceania's older brother, he brought a group of his friends with him. But when we had arrived there was no trace of her even being there accept for one thing.. her blue ribbon that she always wore around her wrist was stuck to the wooden post. The wind was tugging at it hoping to wrip my last piece of her away, I quickly wrapped my sweaty hands around it and tucked it into my pockets. I felt a sharp stabbing in my heart as I watched a search boat float out away from the docks in hopes of finding her. Darren, Oceania's brother crouched down beside me and whispered, "They will find her."

I looked up at him, you could see the pain filling up his eyes. I couldn't help it anymore, I had to cry, but not here, not in front of him. I quickly sprang to my feet and sprinted back to my house, I slammed the door shut and stumbled up the stairs, almost falling twice. I ignored my mother's desperate shouts to try and get me to stop and calm down.

Once I reached my room I shoved my face into my pillow and pulled her ribbon out of my pocket, my mother walked in with a sad look on her face. I shoved the ribbon into my pillow case and whispered, "They have to find her, they just have to."

She nodded but avoided my gaze, "They will Miles, she's going to be alright."

I knew this was hurting her as much as it was hurting me. Oceania was like a daughter to her, much like Oceania being a sister to me. I hated to think about what her mother must be feeling right now.

How could somebody be there one minute then gone the next? Something was up and I was determine to find out.

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