Chapter 1

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~6 years later, Oceania's P.O.V~

A tall boy with short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes was seated beside me. There was a huge grin plastered on his face as he bumped my shoulder with his own, a small laugh escaped me as I bumped him back. We repeated this action a few more times before he gave me one last giant push. I felt myself falling-

A soft scream escaped me as I sat upright in my bed, this dream had been haunting me for years. Whenever I asked my parents about it they would just say that it's probably a horrible memory from my past life. At first I was confused when they brought up 'my past life', they explained to me how they had saved me from drowning by pulling me down to their home.

I kicked the blankets off to the side and climbed out of my water bed. I stalked over to the window and threw the curtains open, I paused for a moment and stared out at the sight in front of me, the sunlight that was shining down through the water cast a mysterious glow across my families farm. I could just make out my mother who was tending to our dolphins across the yard and my father who was harvesting the kelp. This was a normal day to day thing for me to see so I wasn't surprised when a group of fish swam by my window. I smiled and rushed into my closet throwing on a clean outfit. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a moment to take in my appearance, I had seaweed green eyes and long brown hair that curled at the end, the only thing I didn't like about myself was my height. I was the second shortest six-teen year old down here giving me a huge disadvantage to bigger jobs.

I skipped down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen, Lucy, my younger sister smiled and gave me a faint wave as I grabbed my diving helmet and diving suit before sitting down with my feet in the exit hole. She climbed off her chair and stumbled towards me, "Where are you going Oceania?"

I shrugged, "My usual, exploring."

She began jumping around excitedly, "Can I come? Can I please?"

I shook my head, "Maybe when your bigger."

She stuck out her bottom lip and tried to use the puppy dog eyes on me. I rolled my eyes and pulled her onto my lap while fumbling with the diving suit zipper, "We can play adventure time on the farm later when I get back, how does that sound?"

She nodded eagerly and began running around the kitchen. I laughed and put my helmet on, before diving through the exit I made sure to listen for the soft *click* that signalled my helmet was securely locked on so no water could get in.

I kicked my feet powerfully as I swam across the farm towards my mother, she waved at me faintly before going back to focusing on cleaning the dolphins. I grabbed onto the dorsal fin of my dolphin, Demon, and made a soft clicking noise to make him go. He immediately got to work on pulling me out of the farm, I bowed my head down as we broke through the wall of strong currents that worked as our fence. I stared at our home, it was like a giant dome had been put under water, the main room and the kitchen had glass roofs while the bedrooms and bathrooms had a jelly kind of feeling roof. There was a hole right in between the kitchen and the main room for our entrance and exit.

I watched it fade off into the distance before turning my head back around to see where Demon was taking me. I always let him lead the way, it had just become our thing.

~ ~ ~ ~

As we approached the town more sounds were being carried by the currents, I let go of Demon and made a few small clicking noises to tell him he could head back. I watched him swim until I couldn't see him anymore before turning around and powerfully swimming my way through town, a few people waved at me while others just gave me weird kind of looks. My gaze traveled across the many dome shaped buildings before landing on one. It had a tube leading up into a lighthouse that served as our way to land. I had never been on land before but since I was six-teen now I could finally go up. I sucked in a deep breath and looked around at the people around me before climbing through the entrance hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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