Chapter 1

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Andrew's P.O.V

I had woken from my slumber, I was tightly holding onto my shovel due to another nightmare.

"That's 6 nightmares in a row, sigh."

I wished I wasn't so lonely at this damned manor, I let go of my shovel and got up, got dressed, and prayed...jesus was at least there for me.
As soon as I had finished and grabbed my shovel there had been a knock on the door, followed by a somewhat familiar voice.

"Andrew? Are you alive in there..?"

I don't feel very alive, actually I feel the complete, I need help.

"Yes...I just woke up."

I walked to the door and opened it, only to be greeted by Norton...for some reason I had forgotten about him, my closest friend that I could talk to about anything.

"Norton-? What do you need."

"Two new survivors will be arriving anytime now, lets go."

Norton gently grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the front of the survivor lobby. He knew that I would attempt to hide in my room and avoid them at all costs...I dislike new people.

Lucadrew + Tonton Ship Story Because Hell YeahWhere stories live. Discover now