Intro: What is Success on Wattpad?

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So before you can become a "successful" author on Wattpad, you have to figure out what success means for you. Why are you posting to Wattpad? Do you want feedback on your writing? Do you want to make money from your writing? Do you want to make friends? Build a community? Or do you want to be a published author?

Whatever the reason, chances are you're gonna need people to read your book to get there. In this how-to guide I'll break down exactly what I did to get reads, and how I was able to go from 0 to over 25,000 followers and get my book published. If that's your goal, hopefully this inspires you. If not, that's OK too. There are numerous ways to find success on this site, the definition is all up to you.

I'm also uploading a companion Q&A series on my YouTube channel. The link is on my profile.

Success on Wattpad: Tips for Getting Reads and MoreWhere stories live. Discover now