Part 5- Keefe- Biana

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 Sophie and Biana trudged through the Wanderling Woods in search of Keefe. When they heard that he had been there, they knew that it was  their biggest chance of finding him.  Sophie had been worrying for the past hour straight.

"What if Keefe left the Wanderling Woods? He probably light-leaped away," she asked nervously.

"With what? The council monitors the crystals, remember," Biana answered. 

"Well he has probably ran far away by now!" Sophie retaliated.

"If he got in a serious fight with Fitz, he probably wouldn't have the energy to go far," Biana reassured her.

"Hmmmm..." she mumbled.

Biana shrugged and kept walking. She couldn't help but get a tad bit irritated with Sophie. She had to stay focused on their goal: find Keefe. She would not leave this forest until they had. 

"So, lets try to go through this from Keefe's perspective," Sophie said. "There is Dex's planting. Fitz would've entered from that way..." she pointed towards the gate into the woods. "so.... if Keefe was leaving , which way would he go?"

"Not that way, because then he would come face to face with people arriving for the funeral" Biana pointed north, where the gate was. "So south, east, or west?"

"There!" Sophie exclaimed, pointing at the ground.

Biana looked down to see a small, blue piece of paper folded neatly with a golden ribbon on it. She gasped. 

"Is that-" Sophie started.

"A note," Biana cut in. She unfolded it. "And it's from Keefe."

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