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co-translator : SarahPavel






What do you think is love?

Who is love for?

Is there any chance of two people falling in love with each other? And is love that starts from friendship is possible?

Many people say that best friends will last longer than boyfriends. So, why do we have to change our status from friends to boyfriends? Why can't we be friends, as we still can look after each other and laugh together like a boyfriend did?

Others might think there is no point in taking such a risk. But for me, it was too late, because I already fell in love with my best friend. This feeling does not appear in a short time. Even though we just met again some time ago in college, but I've known him a lot longer. In fact, it was almost six years ago. Maybe it's because I've known him for a long time, plus our status as friends, so I don't know whether with the many things that have happened between us, shows that he only sees me as a friend or not. But I don't want to think about myself only, because I feel that we've gone beyond just being friends, but no one wants to talk about it.

Actually, my story is similar to the story in a novel called "Love of Siam", a book that tells a love story between two friends who grew up together but separated from each other for some reason, before fate brought them back together when they both grew up , and the love they once had begins to bloom and become clearer again.

I looked at the pendant necklace around my neck before take another deep breath. I don't want things like this happened to me again. Feeling lonely when sitting among many people, just because someone who used to sit next to me isn't can see me in his eyes. I'm just a shadow which he ignores. And this is what it should be I accept, because our status is friends, not in a romantic relationship. I must stay in the friend zone , not faen zone (lover zone).

If you like your best friend and you don't say it, the possibility of a relationship will growing only 0%. But if you say it, you still have a chance 50% to succeed, but the other 50% will be exchanged at the expense of all relationships you had before.


Because if he doesn't have the same feeling and reject you, then you will not be able back to the state where you were friends and you can still love him secretly. But even so, I still want to take the risk and risked all my sincere feelings. I gathered all the courage that I have to express my feelings, even if the other party refuses.

"P-Pump, I'll be waiting behind the campus." My voice now vibrates when I call my best friend who will walk out of the stadium university with his wrist that bandaged.

[ But……. But I… will be a little late, I…]

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