Getting Out

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Daisy could bath herself, she was nine after all, so she was the next to get cleaned up. Kinsey hadn’t bothered to yet get cleaned up herself. She put on another movie for the three biggest kids to watch while she figured out what to do. When she had a free moment, after the kids had been bathed and changed into clean clothes, she shot a text to Kellie asking if she could talk. Kellie shot back that she was at Eric’s house and that he would love to talk to her too. She didn’t want to Skype, not the way she was looking at the moment but Kellie was insistent.

She regretted giving in the second she accepted the invite to video chat. She was all dirty, bruised, and still very bloody. Before Kellie could even finish her greeting, her eyes went wide and she gasped. Kinsey really, really hated them seeing her like this. All dirty and bloody and gross.

“Sweetie, what happened to you? Eric, come over here quick!” Kellie exclaimed

Kinsey lowered her head not wanting them to see her like this. Hearing the slight panic in his ex-wife’s voice, Eric quickly made his way to where she was sitting at the computer. He started to greet Kinsey but, just like Kellie, stopped mid-greeting.

“What in the fuck happened to you? Who did this? Are you ok?” Eric asked, questions just rolling one after the other

“Sweetie, it’s ok. You can talk to us. Please tell us what happened.” Kellie soothingly stated

Kinsey couldn’t look them in the eyes when she told them that she was ok. She only needed some advice. Neither Eric nor Kellie believed her. They talked about what had happened but she was very allusive to things. They gathered that she knew the person who had attacked her and that she wanted to know what she should do in regards to her siblings. Eric wanted nothing more than to make her feel at ease again.

“Listen, we have an RV. If you can get somewhere like a motel we will pick you up there.” Kellie explained as Eric walked off camera

Kinsey wasn’t sure this was a good idea. She didn’t want to leave her father all alone as sick as he was. Kellie could sense the young woman’s apprehension.

“I can’t leave the children. Or my dad and the farm…..” Kinsey trailed

“You let us worry about your dad and the farm. Pack a bag for each child. Our main concern right now is you and those innocent children, OK? You’re going to stay with one of us.” Kellie informed her as Eric returned

As he did, Daisy wandered to where her big sister was. Kellie was glad to see the second oldest child didn’t seem injured. The young girl looked to the screen where Eric and Kellie were then looked back to her sister.

“Daisy, this is Kellie and Eric. They’re friends of mine. They’re coming to pick us up where we’re headed off to so we can stay with one of them for a bit. I need you to pack a bag of your absolute favorite clothes, your school books, only your favorite toys and books.” Kinsey told her sister

“Where do you live?” Daisy asked the strangers on the screen

“South Carolina. My house is right on the beach.” Eric smiled

“Really?! The beach?” Daisy exclaimed, eyes lighting up

Eric just smiled at Daisy’s child-like enthusiasm before answering.

“Yes, right on the beach. I can show you all sorts of neat things and places.” Eric exclaimed

Kinsey knew the three older children would have a ball at the beach. None of them had ever been before. Daisy was quite the explorer and had a vast thirst for knowledge and learning things. It would be an interesting expedition for Bella and Jesse too!

“Ok!” Daisy replied happily

“Do me a favor. Go pack up all the toothbrushes, tooth paste, shampoo, and body wash. Help the smaller children pick out their toys and books. OK?” Kinsey stated, looking at her sister

If they were going to leave tonight, she was definitely going to need Daisy’s help!

“Ok!” Daisy said as she started to walk off; it took Kinsey by surprise when the small girl turned around, “I’m sorry Momma hurt you. Feel better!”

That is exactly what she didn’t want Eric and Kellie to find out! She sighed heavily, embarrassed.

“Your mother is the one who did that to you?” Eric questioned

Kellie and Eric watched as she darted her eyes downward. She still didn’t want to really talk about it.

“It’s going to take us roughly 18 hours to drive there. Eric is getting some extra blankets and pillows. We have an RV so there will be plenty of room. Get somewhere safe and hole up there, OK? We’ll call when we’re close so we can coordinate, OK?” Kellie explained

“I don’t have much money. They’re going to need food…..” Kinsey trailed, getting teary eyed

This whole night had been emotional. She wanted to cry. She needed to cry. She needed someone to tell her that it wasn’t her fault and that everything was going to be ok. She needed someone to be strong so that she didn’t have to be.

“Give me your bank account information and I’ll send you some money. Let us worry about everything else, OK? You just take care of you and the children. We’ll be there as soon as we possibly can.” Kellie replied, warmly

They chatted for a few more minutes before Eric came and said the RV was ready. They promised they’d be there just as quickly as they could get there. Kinsey reluctantly gave Kellie her bank account information and was shocked to see how quickly the older woman had transferred money into her account. She hadn’t even looked at the amount.

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