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She pulled up in front of the house. Eric was already loving what he was seeing. He quickly followed her up the porch and to the front door. She began to tell him all about the property, including how many acres there were. He was astounded. This place was perfect! The living room was huge with an amazing fireplace. The inside was in really good shape, although he would have a total inspection done and have Barry walk through it with him also, and he just knew. Deep down inside he knew this was the one.

“Kellie wants to know when we’re going to be home so Barry knows when to have dinner ready.” Bill told Eric

“Tell her he can start dinner any time and just set me a plate aside if I’m not back in time. I want to see everything about this house.” Eric replied making the younger real estate agent smile

Bill nodded silently as he whipped his phone out and Eric followed the new agent, Karol, into the updated kitchen. She gave him all the information she knew. The more he was seeing, the more he was falling in love with this place! The two biggest bedrooms, one which would be Kinsey’s and the other which would be Eric’s just about sealed the deal on this house. They chatted about the property and he was very happy to discover there was about twenty-five acres with the property.

They were a few blocks from the beach, maybe five minutes from some local parks, there was plenty of space to build a treehouse & playground for the kids, and enough space for Kinsey to start a new garden. This property was exactly what he looking for. After the tour of the house and part of the grounds, he said he would take it. They walked back to her car talking about the price. He negotiated with her saying there was lots of repairs that would have to be done. She called the owners of the property to try and find a balance. The gentleman she was talking to agreed to the price Eric had suggested when he learned this was a young family with five kids.

Before Eric went home, he finished the paperwork. He called Bill’s realtor to put his house up for sale. The bassist was on cloud nine as he was driven home!

“Hi Eric!” Daisy exclaimed as soon as he’d walked in

“Hi sweetie! Where is everyone?” He asked

“All the adults are out back. Kinsey’s cleaning the kitchen and we’re watching movies in the living room.” Daisy told him

“Thank you.” He stated before walking to find his drummer

“There’s a plate in the microwave for you.” Kinsey said as soon as he’d walked into the kitchen

“Thanks. Where’s Barry?” He asked

“Out back with everyone else. Want me to get him?” She inquired

“If you don’t mind.” He smiled at her

He heated up his dinner while she fetched his drummer. He had just sat down at the dining room table with his dinner and a beer when the dreadlocked blond entered. After sitting down, Eric told him what had happened with the house. He explained what he was wanting to do and asked if Barry would like to help him fix this house up. The slightly shorter man wanted to see the house so he knew exactly what needed to be done. Eric was more than happy to show him this house. They made plans to go check it out the following day. 


Eric and Barry left his house early so that they could walk through the grounds. The drummer was floored when they pulled up in front of the house Eric had just purchased. Karol had given him the keys before they parted ways so he was able to let them in. Barry was astonished at this place! Some parts had already been renovated but there was quite a lot of work to do still.

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