Chapter One

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I wake to the gods in the sky bowling.
The thunder booms louder than the weather called for.I look at my dented yet still working alarm clock.It reads "4:53" I catch myself before falling off the bed.The alarm should be going off any minute now.I quickly get dressed,pulling on a soft sweater,a blazer, and some baggy jeans.I head downstairs to get my shoes and bag.When I reach the bottom stair,my watch chimes 5:00.
My leather satchel sits on my coffee table,books stacked upon them with no care.Books that some old geezer would die for like "The Narrative of John Smith." It's one of my favorites,but then again all of the books I own are.I simply pick up the stack,which weighs a good twenty pounds,and place it on the floor.My satchel full of old books weighs in my hand as I head to the kitchen to Asta,my beautiful chartreux cat.I water my dozens of plants,slip on some boots,and head out the door.
There's this cute cafe right beside my apartment that makes the best raspberry tea.It's small and cozy with very little people in it.Especially at five in the morning.Few people linger,some business men,doctors,and one very scrawny looking 18 year old in the corner reading "The Illustrated Man." I have to admit,for an 18 year old,he has some good taste.
"Good morning." The barista,Nathaniel,chimes in.
  "Ah Eleanor,would you like the usual?" He says again,just like yesterday.
   "Yes please," I respond with a slight smile.
He nods and writes my name down and takes the next person's order.I drift to my usual spot and sit down.It has the perfect view of outside and inside leaving me invulnerable.The 18 year old seems to be almost finished his book and almost all of the business men have flanked out.
"Raspberry Tea for Eleanor." Nathaniel calls out.
I notice that the 18 year old has also come to get his drink.I simply grab mine and give a slight smile.He smiles back and I realized he's not an 18 year old.He's practically my age or older.I see he has the book he was reading still in his grasp.He notices me looking and looks sheepish.
"It's a great book," I say,trying to ease the awkwardness, "the ending is truly worth it."
He looks shocked to see that I know what he's reading about,but before he can reply I get a text.
   "Oh I'm sorry,I have to go,but it was nice meeting you." I gush and make a break for the door.
I practically force a taxi to pull over and clamber inside.
"Behavioral Analysis Unit,Quantico." I gush,handing him two ten's.He simply nods and drives.I'm so nervous I can hear my heart beat.I had trained and studied all my life for this,and here it is!I finally get to go to the BAU,not for a field trip or press conference,but for an actual job interview! I'm bouncing in my seat like a child,holding myself back from asking "Are we there yet?"
The torturous ride finally ends and I exit with a pip in my step.But when I enter the building,I make sure I look as smart and professional as I hope I am.A man who I know from memory and his sheer fame alone comes out to greet me.Aaron Hotchner.Famous for catching over 50 serial killers.
"Ms,Selina,  welcome to the BAU."He greets me with his hand out.
"I apologize Sir, but I don't shake hands,it would be safer to kiss in fact, please don't take offense."
"Ah, of course none taken, if you follow me this way we can have the interview in my office."He responds professionally,showing no sign of awkwardness.
I nod and follow him into his office,but before that we enter the main room,where all of the agents are,and I feel my stomach drop.They all look smarter,faster,more trained,and well rounded than I do.And worst of all they don't even try to hide their curiosity.
Oh this will not be easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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