Prince Charming

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Alice's POV

"And that's how one day a very handsome and kind prince kissed her lips, and she finally woke up from her years of slumber."

"Wow. Sleeping beauty finally got her prince. Will there be a prince for me too, Aunt Alice?" Mia's sparkly eyes and innocent heart asked the one question that every girl withheld in her heart at some point or the other in her life.

"Of course, darling. When you grow up, somewhere in this world, there would be a charming prince waiting just for you to come along." I nudged the tip of her nose, and she literally jumped in joy at my response. We were snuggling under the blankets in her room, and it was almost past her bedtime. Her sleepy yawns couldn't overcome the bout of excitement her heart carried after listening to her fairytale bedtime story. Before she took her fantasy too far, I tried to sprinkle her with some words of wisdom. "But.. before that, you have to work hard, grow up into a beautiful woman and make a good life for yourself."

"Just like you did, Aunt Alice? Isn't my dad your prince charming, who was waiting just for you to come along?" My cheeks got flushed at her unexpected response. I was tongue-tied in thinking how to reply to her innocent question. I took a couple of deep breathes, while Mia looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Umm.. maybe darling. I don't know yet. Come.. let's sleep. It's getting late." I stuttered coyly, and she immediately engulfed me in her warm embrace. "But... Aunt Alice, my dad is like a prince and..." She began talking again, and I abruptly cut her off, "yes, he sure is. But now we need to sleep, okay?" She nodded obediently, and for a while, none of us uttered a word. I softly caressed her hair and hummed her to sleep. Within minutes, she was out, deep and sound, but with a noteworthy smile on her face.

I kissed her forehead and slowly tip-toed out of her bed. After lightly closing her bedroom door, I headed out in the corridor. Immediately, I ran into a solid chest and let out a shriek in shock.

Warm arms locked me in their embrace, and I looked up to see a pair of loving grey orbs boring my skin. "Hey. It's me." Mark's husky voice fell on my ears while his warm breath tickled my cheeks. He bent over and gave a soft peck at the corner of my lips. My body trembled under his gentle touch, and it took me a minute or two to regain my composure. I hugged him back and rested my head on his broad chest.

"Did Mia sleep already?" He asked without breaking our embrace, to which I just hummed in response.

"I hope she didn't trouble you much."

"She never troubles me, Mark. She is the most well-behaved child I know. And she just loves her bedtime stories." I looked up at him again and gave him a soft loving smile.

"She does, especially when you read them out for her. I see she is growing fonder of you by the day." He had a look of contentment on his face. Mia's approval of our relationship meant a lot to both of us.

"I am glad, Mark. I am fond of her too, a lot." His arms were still wrapped around my waist, and he continued to hold me closer to him.

"Umm... so are you heading back now?" He asked reluctantly. I knew from the hesitation in his voice, where this conversation was heading. Part of him wanted me to stay, like most nights, but we had made a pact, and we didn't intend to break it. Not until we were sure.

Even if we both wanted it badly, we decided to take it slow, and not intrude Mia's personal space. We had to be first sure of where our relationship was heading.

"Yes," I whispered, and with that sudden disappointment donned his face.

"Hey, it's fine. I am sure we will get past this. Plus, I have to go for brunch with Catherine and her son tomorrow. Remember?" He gave me an understanding nod, his eyes, however, still lingered on my face. There was so much to read in them. The blanketing silence screamed a thousand emotions. The yearning our hearts felt was hard to miss, but he heaved a deep sigh, a gesture that we would have to bear it all for the time being.

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