Special Party

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Alice's POV

I was seated at the outdoor sitting area of a neighbourhood cafe while admiring the flocks of crowd that were adding life and colour to the corners of the street.

Mark was right, I did eventually fall in love with this city. The liveliness and spirit that resided here were unmatched. Thinking of the old times with him, how passionately he explained about New York and the hidden beauty this place withheld, stung my heart a bit. But I didn't show it on the outside.

The sun shone in its full glory, casting contrasting shades of yellow and orange to the otherwise clear sky. I had joined Elsie for our promised lunch today, and the mood and setting were bringing reminiscence of the countless memories that I had made in this city till date.

With few meaningful friendships, clubbed with both love and heartbreak, my journey so far had been quite enriching.

"Earth to Alice! Where are you so lost?" Elsie's nudge got me out of my reverie.

"Nothing, just thinking... This city is beautiful. Isn't it?" I smiled while taking another bite of my burger.

"It is! I love it too. I see myself settling here, for good, you know? Specially now, when I have completed my degree, have a great job, and my new rented apartment is perfect too." She declared with pride and enthusiasm. Elsie moved out of her university hostel and settled in a small apartment near her school. I haven't seen her this contented ever before. I was very happy for her.

"Yes. I am so glad, Elsie. You deserve every bit of it. At least it worked out well for one of us." The moment the words left my mouth, I regretted saying the last part out loud. Immediately, something in Elsie's gaze shifted, her eyes were now soft. I knew what was coming next, and I hated being a subject of sympathy.

"Hey! It will work out for you as well." She held my hand from across the table, "you have been doing great! The situation with Dan has improved, thanks to Chris. I really think he will leave you alone now, specially after the carnival incidence."

"Chris thinks so too. But the lingering fear in my head tells me otherwise.." I sighed.

"You need to stop overthinking, Alice. In fact, you should move on and tell Mark what all happened that day..."

"No. Never. Mark and Mia, both, need to stay out of this. And we are not getting back to the same argument again, are we clear?" I retorted with full determination.

"Relax. Whatever you say! I just thought, he was the one..." She whispered the last part.

"I don't think so, Elsie. The timing wasn't right for us ever. It wasn't before when we met years ago at Britney's wedding. And it wasn't now. He deserves better, moreover, Mia deserves better."

"I never thought you were the one who would give up that easily." Even though she muttered under her breathe, but I did hear her. Without reacting to her piercing remarks, rolling my eyes, I decided to change the subject.

"So, how's your job at school? Do the kids cause trouble? Play pranks? Make fun of you?" I wiggled my brows in amusement. I knew how Elsie was easily irritated.

"They do actually. You know, they even gave me a pet name." She huffed and crossed her arms in annoyance. 

"Really?" I chuckled. "What do they call you?"

"As if I will tell you that!"

"Come on! I won't say a word about it again. I promise. Tell me, please." I made my signature puppy face.

"Alright! But first, swear that you will drop it after I tell you?" She warned.

"Okay, I swear. Tell me now!"

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