Chapter Two

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It went like this.

One day, governments worldwide decided to separate the entire population by their stars signs, with hopes that conflicts would be kept to each District - if a problem arose within the Virgo District, then it would be their problem, their job to fix it. Each city was separated into 12 Districts, and people were meant to stick to their places.

Obviously, George rarely followed those rules.

He never really understood the point of sticking to a certain space simply because he was told to do so. So he didn't, instead venturing out into the other Districts whenever he could, for the mere purpose of being able to see something other than the Scorpio District.

Everyone in his District was rude, crass, and bold. George didn't like them at all, preferring to keep to himself. He enjoyed spending his time in the Aquarius District - they were all quite kind and hated conflict, so they never really had an issue with a Scorpio being there, as long as he didn't cause problems. And he never did.

He met his friend Niki there, her sweet accent and soft voice always making him feel more comfortable and at home in her District. It was Niki he called when he woke up for the second time at Dream's house. She picked up almost immediately.

"George!" she said happily. "What's up? I haven't heard from you in a while!"

George smiled, pressing the phone closer to his ear so he could hear her better. She was almost too soft-spoken to speak to over the phone. "Hey Niki," he said. "Could you do me a favor?"
"Of course!"

George's smile widened at her eagerness to help him. She was really too sweet. "I'm over in the Leo District," he said. "I got into a spot of trouble. Do you think you could come pick me up? I took the train here, but I don't want to walk back to the station."

He could practically hear the frown that was undoubtedly on his friends face as she spoke. "You know it'll probably be quicker for you to take the train? My District is about 30 minutes away from the Leo's."

George cleared his throat, eyes wandering over the sparsely furnished room he was in. "I hit my head," he admitted, opting to keep out the fact that he had practically been beat to the ground. "I'm afraid I might faint on the way there. You know how Leo's are with my Sign - we hate each other."

Niki hummed, and George grinned as he heard the tell-tale jingle of her picking up her keys. "I'll be there soon," she said sweetly. "Don't get into any more trouble, alright?"

George agreed easily, sending Niki his location, and then hung up, flopping back into the pillows and pulling the sheets up to his chin.

He loved Niki. He was lucky to have her as a friend.

Dream showed up a few minutes later, greeting him with a warm smile and some Ibuprofen.

"To help with the headache," he informed, passing over a fresh glass of water. George nodded and tossed the pills in his mouth, swallowing them down with a mouthful of the cool liquid. Dream took the cup from him and set it on the nightstand, sitting cautiously on the edge of the bed. George studied him for a moment before speaking.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Dream picked at his cuticles, keeping his eyes on his hands.

"I've never really understood the point of separating everyone," he admitted, glancing up at George who seemed surprised. "I think it's pretty stupid. People shouldn't do stuff like that just because you're a different Sign. It doesn't make much sense to me."

George nodded his agreement and sat up, bunching his hands in the blankets. "I agree," he said quietly. "It's kind of pointless, isn't it?"

Dream nodded and silence fell between them for a moment.

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